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KMD include file collision

Started by shlomok, April 28, 2012, 04:47:56 PM

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My KMD driver inc has the following import statements (this is the standard):

include w2k\
include w2k\
include w2k\   
include \masm32\Macros\Strings.mac

includelib \masm32\lib\w2k\ntoskrnl.lib

Now, I want to print the current date and time using DbgPrint, however the declaration of SYSTEMTIME and GetLocalTime for instance is not in my include files.

I tried including etc ... which I know is forbidden inside a KMD.

getCurrentDateAndTime proc

LOCAL lpDateBuf[12] :BYTE
LOCAL lpTimeBuf[12] :BYTE
;Get the local time
invoke GetLocalTime, addr lpLocalTime

;Format the date
invoke GetDateFormat,0,0,addr lpLocalTime,addr hDateFormat,addr lpDateBuf,12

;Format the time
invoke GetTimeFormat,0,0,addr lpLocalTime, addr hTimeFormat, addr lpTimeBuf, 12
invoke StdOut, addr lpDateBuf
invoke StdOut, addr lpTimeBuf        
getCurrentDateAndTime endp

How can I resolve this issue?

And another question, accessing the GDI directly from KMD is also forbidden, is there an option to delegate the GDI calls from my own driver to my own  DLL that I will write so that the DLL will call the GDI functions?
(i am not talking at all about DLL proxying)
I mean, will the DLL used by my KMD driver have to obey the same restrictions as the driver itself?



These are answers from the author of KMD:

Quote1-GetLocalTime is a user-mode function exported from kernel32.dll.
Kernel-mode drivers can't be linked with the user-mode code and
can't call any user-mode code.

Call kernel-mode KeQuerySystemTime/ExSystemTimeToLocalTime instead.

2-Kernel-mode code can't call any user-mode stuff regardless of whether
it is the driver or dll.

3-Yes, kernel-mode dll have the same restrictions as the drivers.