FrameWindow is it a Windows API or a masm32 macro?

Started by xiahan, April 07, 2012, 05:41:48 PM

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    invoke hbar,197,hDC,100,340,00FF0000h
    invoke hbar,87 ,hDC,100,360,00FF0000h
    invoke hbar,222,hDC,100,380,00FF0000h
    invoke hbar,333,hDC,100,400,00FF0000h

    invoke FrameWindow,hWnd,4,1,1
    invoke FrameWindow,hWnd,7,1,0

  ; ----------------------------------------

    invoke EndPaint,hWin,ADDR Ps

I find this function in a masm32 example, and i coundn't find it in the masm32 macros.asm


FrameWindow is function that is part of the masm-library (masmlib.lib). You can find information about it in \masm32\help\masmlib.chm. The source code can be found in the folder \masm32\m32lib\.
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