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Mystery computer code.

Started by anunitu, March 08, 2012, 10:06:01 PM

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Kinda interesting,and they are asking for programmers to input what language it was compiled from.

"More details about the Duqu Trojan and its mystery communications modules can be found on Securelist, Kaspersky Lab's research site, here. Researchers at Kaspersky, which has carried out a great deal of top-notch analysis work on the topic, were the first to find the "smoking code" linking Stuxnet and Duqu. ®"

And this is interesting also:

"Duqu was first detected in September 2011, but Kaspersky Lab reckons the first trace of Duqu-related malware dates all the way back to August 2007. The Russian security firm has logged more than a dozen incidents of Duqu infection, with the vast majority of victims located in Iran." My thought,only in Iran,hmmmmmmmmmm


i looked at the blog on kaspersky
guys in there naming every language they can think of - lol
it could just be asm - duh !
it reminds me a little of some FORTH code i disassembled, once


Yeh,Forth is not all that well known. I kinda dabble in forth a little.


this is actually pretty interesting ... see all the link in the first banner post ;


I see assembler is not considered a programming language anymore, Just references to C, C++ in the original texts  :dazzled:

The new generation don't seem to know about it.. what has Msoft done to the world.. dumbed it toatally down :bg


It is really interesting for me too
in fact Assembly is known as the strongest languages for any software
Assembly should have been  only one alternative for it.
but You know even there are a lot of open source assembler n linker program is written by C language
maybe because of it they focus C \ C++
I dont like C  its my own idea
but seems lot of ppl write code by C
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Just an update on this subject.

"Meanwhile, Kaspersky Lab researchers have discovered that the Duqu Trojan was partly programmed in Object-Oriented C (OOC) by an "old school" experienced enterprise programming team, PC World also reports. Kaspersky researchers said they have never before encountered that particular format in cyber criminal malware."


"Meanwhile, Kaspersky Lab researchers have discovered that the Duqu Trojan was partly programmed by guys smarter than they are."


Hmmm,Old school...I am old,and I went to school..but not to learn programming. That I just did for fun. :toothy


i really don't think that term applies
the guys at kaspersky simply ran into something they hadn't seen before - lol
they should just come out and say, "we learned some new shit"


Now we know why virus scanners are all but useless - They always playing 'catchup'... but we knew this anyway :green2