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DARPA Attack Beast

Started by oex, March 06, 2012, 11:43:23 AM

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We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


18 MPH
seems like it ought to be faster - lol


Think prototype dave.

There is also another researcher that is developing artificial muscles. This would then get rid of the hydraulics. And the biggest problem is still the A.I. to run it.
Of course that doesn't mean they couldn't incorporate Drone technology into it.


Quote from: dedndave on March 06, 2012, 04:13:42 PM
18 MPH
seems like it ought to be faster - lol

Still I wouldn't want it chasing me on foot before finally leaping off it's back legs, tearing it's knife shaped front legs through my back before sensing and chasing it's next victim at 18 mph :lol.... At least that's what I was thinking watching the slow mo video bit :lol
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


yah - kinda reminds me of that little guy in Transformers - lol
but, Megan Fox and a saws-all (very sexy - the saws-all, i mean) made short work of him

in my younger days, i could run - i dunno - 13 MPH or so
olympic athletes do 15 or a little better
18 doesn't seem that fast

the trick is negotiating terrain
they have a contest here in the US for bots - a miles-long course with obstacles


eschew obfuscation


What does this tell us about the future research directions that DARPA will explore ???
How long before they develop the autonomous 'attack' assembly-programmer ???
No more sitting on our asses in a dark room in our stinky underwear eating disgusting junk food and hammering out the next 'killer app',...


It depends on what the robot is chasing, have it chasing and armed soldier with an M16 and an armour piercing 30-06 round to the kneecap would probably do the job fine. Put enough armour on it to solve the problem and it would en up slow and heavy, an easier target for better ordinance.  :P
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You have seen the robot pack mule right?

And then there is this one.

Think 10 years down the road.


the second video looks very similar to the first   :P


My bad,didn't do the link right,freaking copy paste.. :red It was supposed to be the robot snake.