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Started by plutocat, February 19, 2012, 06:39:44 AM

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I am working my way through Iczelion's tutorial Series, and in Tutorial #6, the Import table, I ran into something I do not understand.
To get to the Import table he uses this code

assume edi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[sizeof IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress

IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY STRUCT for the import table is the second in the array, with subscript [1].
sizeof IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY is 8 bytes (2 DWORDs), so we are referring to the 9th structure in the array instead of the 2nd.
The code works perfectly though.
Just for practice, I rewrote Iczelion's program in C.
But to get the same results (list of dll's and imported function) in the my program I needed to use:
VirtAddr = pHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[(sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)-7)].VirtualAddress;
Could somebody help me understand what is going on here?


For MASM the square brackets do not work as they do for C.

For C they serve as an array subscript operator, so to get the VirtualAddress member of the second element of the DataDirectory array, you would use:

VirtAddr = pHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress

For MASM, if the brackets do not enclose an indirect memory operand, [edi] for example, they cause the value of the expression in the brackets to be added to the preceding value. So for this operand:

[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[sizeof IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress

The size of the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY structure is added to the offset of the DataDirectory array.

To illustrate, for this code:

    assume edi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
    mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[sizeof IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress
    mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[8].VirtualAddress
    mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[16].VirtualAddress

I get this listing:

                            assume edi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
00000003  8B BF 00000080    mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[sizeof IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress
00000009  8B BF 00000080    mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[8].VirtualAddress
0000000F  8B BF 00000088    mov edi,[edi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[16].VirtualAddress

Note that OFFSET IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory = 78h
eschew obfuscation
