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C++ in ASM

Started by AeroASM, May 20, 2005, 07:43:15 AM

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Quote from: AeroASM on May 20, 2005, 12:53:39 PM
I would prefer not to use any C++ compiler at all, and just write C++ compatible code in ASM, but as hutch said the overhead will probably kill me.

If your just building small applications in C++ the name decorating alone that the compiler generates is verbose. Make a C++ compiler write an ASM file for you and take a good look at it. Thats the kind of stuff you would probably have to write to accomplish what your trying to do, and it would get complicated very quickly.


What exactly is your end goal? Just doing a C++ progect (for a class or job), or learning C++, or doing something specific and small that'd be easier to do in C++ than ASM.
If your doing it for a class or project, obviously you gotta learn c++ (probably shouldn't of even asked this one)
If just for learning C++ than there are some tutorials i can point you to to learn.
If doing something specific in C++ and doing rest in ASM (or vise versa) then making a DLL in one of the two languages and call an exported function and have it do what you need it to in that specific language.

Which do you need?


Wow is it just me and Homer that understood what AeroASM wants?

There are two complete frameworks to do all the hard work for you (at no cpu-cycles cost!) : OA32 and ATC.
Get them from
OA32 -

Writing C++ classes in them is easy . In ATC I accented on ease of use, but the documentation and available object library are not complete/big. In OA32 it's the other way around (and is more powerful too) .

But in the end, they both do the same job - enabling interfacing with C++ objects -  exactly what you said you need :) .

Here's an example of ATC vs C++ code:

class Derived : public BaseOne{
long x;
long y;
void Func1(long a);
virtual void Func2(long b);
Derived* obj1;
obj1 = new Derived;
obj1->x = 10;
delete obj1;

class Derived,BaseOne,C++ compatible
long x
long y
void Func1 : a
virtual Func2 : b
local obj1:DWORD
mov obj1,new(Derived)
;mov ecx,obj1 ; (actually can be skipped, since "new" gives the pointer in ECX too
mov [ecx].Derived.x,10
;-------[ style 1 ]--------------------\
set obj1 as Derived
pcall obj1.Func1,7
pcall obj1.Func2,8
;-------[ style 2 ]----------------------------\
;icall obj1,Derived,Func1,7
;icall obj1,Derived,Func2,8

; (N.B: two more styles available, to select from :) )

delete obj1

Both ATC and OA32 need MASM (only its macros are powerful enough to make complex OOP possible).
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


What, exactly, is this project going to be?