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unicode characters?

Started by RHL, January 10, 2012, 10:27:35 PM

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I want to know how I can display unicode characters?
for example:

您好 = E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD ( almost certain )

and could not do using the api messageBoxW:

invoke MessageBoxW, NULL,addr Var,Addr Var2, addr Var3

help me , thanks!



Hi RHL. You need two files, one with the code and other with the Unicode strings table, maybe you are putting all together. Try this:

File: msgBox.asm - This is your code:

INCLUDE \include\

        winTitleBuffer dw 3 dup(0)    ;buffer for your title
        winMsgBuffer   dw 3 dup(0)   ;buffer for your message

start PROC:
        invoke    GetModuleHandle, NULL                                                                        ;get the module handle, (don't know if it is really necessary)
        MOV       edi, eax                                                                                              ;save it in edi
        invoke    LoadStringW, edi, 1, offset winTitleBuffer, 3                                            ;load title from resources ans save it in the title buffer
        invoke    LoadStringW, edi, 2, offset winMsgBuffer, 3                                             ;load message from resources and save it in message buffer
        invoke    MessageBoxW, NULL, offset winMsgBuffer, offset winTitleBuffer, MB_OK      ;show the MessageBox
start ENDP

END start

File: res.rc - Your Unicode strings:

;in this file you put your unicode strings, and save the file in Unicode charset.
        1, "標題\0"    ;"title" 
        2, "消息\0"   ;"message"

Construction from command line:
Compile code:
> ML /c /Cp /coff msgBox.asm
Compile resource with strings:
> RC res.rc
Convert resource (.res) to .obj file:
> CVTRES /machine:ix86 res.res
Link all:
> LINK msgBox.obj res.obj /OUT:msgBox.exe /SUBSYSTEM:Windows /LIBPATH:c:\masm32\lib

Note you can use POLINK instead of LINK and specify directly the .res file without the need of CVTRES tool.
Good luck.