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Did You Know ...

Started by DarkWolf, January 03, 2012, 03:09:48 AM

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... that we are all Mormon ?

It's True.

First you have to understand a little principle called inheritance. Not the financial kind but the kind where you carry a property or trait passed down by the previous generation.

Most religions also have an inheritance trait in their spirituality; like the idea of the Sins of your fathers or the idea of Original Sin.

The mormons have a bunker under a mountain where they store a large record of geneological data. They have millions of names.

What do they do with this ?

Well aside from research that you can also look up, they perform baptisms by proxy.

That's right ; someone gets baptised in your name.

If you understand the basic principles of sympathetic magic or transferance (in the spiritual sense), like the wafer being the body of Christ in Communion, then you know that when the proxy is baptised you are the one being blessed or bestowed with providence.

Now if you baptise in the name of your ancestor then of course that ancestor and everyone descended from him/her is now Mormon. Jews, having learned that Holocaust victims were baptised by the Mormons, were quite upset and took issue with the proxy baptisms. The Mormon's solution was to allow the Jews to "opt out" of the ceremony. Which means they'll continue the practice until a living relative finds out and asks them to stop. We could have millions of Jews baptised as Mormons and noone even knows it. There was no option to "undo" the baptism, those already baptised were screwed.

And guess who is the proxy ?

That's right, kids ...

Not sure why a conscenting adult couldn't be a proxy. But considering these are the same people who fundametalists are marrying off child wives I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

Mormons make no secret of this, guess where I found out.

That's right, television broadcast. Sure it was PBS and maybe a local special on the religions in america (each night was a different faith) but it could still be viewd by millions and the LDS church must have seen the material before it aired. Hell it was even filmed in the chamber where they do this, how could they not know it might be aired ?

In the film they showed a row of twenty some boys and girls lined up for baptism and when done they towel off and move to the back of the line. They baptised hundreds of names in one day.

The greatest crime ....

... noone seems to give a damn; this thing aired, Jews were upset and there seems to be no notice by the outside world.

The practice continues on ....
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I think its common practice with our friends in the "Latter Day Saints" to baptise the dead but as far as I know no-one else accepts it so I doubt its a problem. On the up side, it is the reason why the LSD people are into genealogy which is very handy for folks researching their family tree. Somewhere in the dim past I went to an LSD centre and these charming old ladies dug out as much stuff as they could find and even ordered a roll of Microfilm for a record I was after from a church in England in 1838.
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Quote from: DarkWolf on January 03, 2012, 03:09:48 AM
... that we are all Mormon ?

Thanks, DarkWolf. Now if one day St Peter tells me I have the wrong religion, at least I have a good excuse, hehe :green


>LSD people are into genealogy
>I went to an LSD centre
Trippy story, man, those "LDS" people are sneaky though... :bg
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


So the Morons are really drug dealers... this doesn't surprise me!!  :green2


Quote from: hutch-- on January 03, 2012, 03:28:42 AM
I think its common practice with our friends in the "Latter Day Saints" to baptise the dead but as far as I know no-one else accepts it so I doubt its a problem.

But doesn't that very fact violate the first amendment ? (Or whatever Human rights are assumed Internationally)

A. The dead can't give consent or state they would like to be Mormon.

B. Families can't give consent, they are never notified and have to find out for themselves.

Doesn't this take away the choice that *you* have the right to make ?
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What I am having problems with is the idea that a religious ritual by a group like the LSD actually changes anything. If a person during their life was a pagan or a Buddhist or whatever, once they are dead they are no longer there to baptise into anything. I seriously doubt that a satanic group that post death baptised people into hell would be taken seriously, I don't see that our friends in the LSD fair any better.
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Quote from: hutch-- on January 20, 2012, 12:35:44 AM
.. I seriously doubt that a satanic group that post death baptised people into hell would be taken seriously..
Do these looneys actually exist ???  :eek
Maybe a silly question as we see other types of similar looneys...  :green2


What I care is not the tree, but the fruit. So, if the price drops, lets change it to another tree  :bdg (In economics views) Im joking - lol

Well, as long as peacefull and friendly, I wont care. When I was kids, all of my friends was white and Xtians. But when I get teenage, the comfort was changed. We are separated by religious friends. Now, I tried to intimate them again, sometime I got to church without telling anyone. I guess, I need to repair the relationships between anyone. I always love to make friends, the smarter one  :bdg, and not that one  :cheekygreen:.

So long peacefull, I dont care and anyone is welcome.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Mormons doing baptisms for the dead is to give the dead the opportunity to be baptized, not to force them to be baptized.  Individual freedom to choose is a key tenet of Mormon doctrine, and this extends to freedom to believe whatever you want, and be baptized or not.  According to the doctrine, the dead exist as spirits and still have the ability to make choices for themselves, including whether they want this baptism (so it then becomes effective) or not (and it is void).

Here are some links if you want to check for yourself:|question=/faq/baptism-for-the-dead/

AFAIK, while the Mormon church keeps track of for whom baptisms have been done, they do not add these individuals to any list of church members.

Maybe somebody out there is sticking pins in a Voodoo doll of me right now, but that is not going to upset me at all because I don't believe it at all.


And yesterday in a AP story ran in my local paper, it was discovered that a mormon temple in New Mexico (or was it Arizona?) had baptised Anne Frank despite a 1995 agreement not to baptise Holocaust victims.

Gee why aren't there other agreements to keep them from this practice.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.


i guess the mormons will go straight to hell   :P


Well, they can baptize me all they want, hell, they can send me a vial of holy water and I'll do it myself for a laugh. It just a meaningless ritual to enroll you in a narrow mode of worship of a non-existent diety. Do the Mormons worship lerprechauns ? because that's something I can get behind, much more plausible than that "GOD" thing...
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"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


just think of how many babies are baptised every day without any say in the matter   :P


Kinda presumptuous of them,and in my case their church or temple would probably burst into flames,my being Pagan and all. :bg