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adding a border

Started by bcddd214, December 24, 2011, 04:48:58 AM

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I found the 32 version of what I am trying to do but a simple hack of changing the enhanced registers to 16 bit failed miserably. how do I make lines 236 thru 274 16 bit friendly?


Well, I just figure out the what was giving me headaches was that the code I was drawing from imported libraries I cannot use in 16 bit.

Does anyone have a 16 bit template I can borrow from?


The code that you added is 16-bit code. Here is what ML returns when I try to assemble it:

Assembling: new_dos.asm
new_dos.asm(242) : error A2006: undefined symbol : RightCol
new_dos.asm(246) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Row2
new_dos.asm(247) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Row1
new_dos.asm(249) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Vertical
new_dos.asm(251) : error A2031: must be index or base register
new_dos.asm(256) : error A2031: must be index or base register
new_dos.asm(261) : error A2006: undefined symbol : LowerRow
new_dos.asm(262) : error A2031: must be index or base register
new_dos.asm(265) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Horizontal
new_dos.asm(268) : error A2031: must be index or base register
new_dos.asm(273) : error A2006: undefined symbol : LeftCol
new_dos.asm(274) : error A2031: must be index or base register

It should be obvious to you what the undefined symbol errors are. For the other errors, see the Indirect Memory Operands section here. And as a hint, the two indirect memory operands following the Filler1 label are correct, and the next five are not, because they use a 16-bit register that is not a valid index or base register.
eschew obfuscation


correct, but all of the symbol definitions appear to call on 32 bit libraries for their directives. Extracting the code seemed over my head as far as in the aspect a a total porting from 32 to 16 bit.

here is the code I am trying to extract from.


I can't seem to get the variable recognized after I set it @ proc;
makewin     PROC    Row1:DWORD, Row2:DWORD, Horizontal:BYTE

C:\Users\WUZAMA~1\Desktop\asm\ASM-PR~1>make16 newDOS2
Assembling: newDOS2.asm
newDOS2.asm(133) : error A2119: language type must be specified
newDOS2.asm(156) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Row1
newDOS2.asm(160) : error A2006: undefined symbol : ConsoleScreen
newDOS2.asm(163) : error A2006: undefined symbol : upperRow
newDOS2.asm(164) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(168) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Horizontal
newDOS2.asm(169) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Horizontal
newDOS2.asm(171) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(176) : error A2006: undefined symbol : RightCol
newDOS2.asm(177) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(180) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Row2
newDOS2.asm(181) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Row1
newDOS2.asm(183) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Vertical
newDOS2.asm(185) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(190) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(195) : error A2006: undefined symbol : LowerRow
newDOS2.asm(196) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(199) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Horizontal
newDOS2.asm(202) : error A2031: must be index or base register
newDOS2.asm(207) : error A2006: undefined symbol : LeftCol
newDOS2.asm(208) : error A2031: must be index or base register
Press any key to continue . . .


I fixed most of the errors but I am pretty sure I did it incorrectly. To get the program to recognize the variable, I had to give global variables, I understand this to be a bad thing.
also when I reduces the code to 16 bit, the eax register becomes ax which does not support indexing, to I flip everything from AX to SI and that got rid of those error but I think my logic is jacked up.
I was trying everything that I could last night.

C:\Users\WUZAMA~1\Desktop\asm\ASM-PR~1>make16 newDOS2
Assembling: newDOS2.asm
newDOS2.asm(43) : error A2008: syntax error : ConsoleScreen
newDOS2.asm(136) : error A2119: language type must be specified
newDOS2.asm(137) : error A2006: undefined symbol : WriteConsoleOutput
newDOS2.asm(245) : error A2136: too many arguments to INVOKE
newDOS2.asm(171) : error A2006: undefined symbol : ConsoleScreen
Press any key to continue . . .


Quote from: bcddd214 on December 24, 2011, 12:36:51 PM
I fixed most of the errors but I am pretty sure I did it incorrectly.
In other words you didn't fix the errors, and you introduced some new ones.

To get the program to recognize the variable, I had to give global variables, I understand this to be a bad thing.
Some global variables are unavoidable. I think you should not worry about using global variables for this.

also when I reduces the code to 16 bit, the eax register becomes ax which does not support indexing, to I flip everything from AX to SI and that got rid of those error but I think my logic is jacked up.
These two statements:

.model      small

Taken together, tell MASM to create 16-bit code. Put simply, the main thing that differentiates 16-bit code from 32-bit code is the size of the offset addresses - 16 bits for 16-bit code and 32 bits for 32-bit code. You can use 32-bit registers for indirect memory operands in 16-bit code and by doing so you eliminate most of the limitations of indirect memory operands in 16-bit code. If you had read and understood the Indirect Memory Operands section of the MASM Programmer's Guide, that I took my time to provide a link to, you would have know that, and you would have known that substituting AX for EAX was a waste of time. That said, using SI should be workable, assuming that everything else is right.

I was trying everything that I could last night.
Including things that make no sense.

And WriteConsoleOutput is a Windows API function, and as such is 32-bit code. You cannot mix 16-bit code and 32-bit code in this way. You need to go with one or the other.

eschew obfuscation


.model      small

has always been there and their presence did nothing to solve the error. I tried many thing until google told me about AX not index and an index error is what I was having.
It there another way to fix this?
I would prefer NOT to switch it to SI, but that is the only thing that worked.


'And WriteConsoleOutput is a Windows API function'   yup, I was telling another gentleman that yesterday.
I need assistance porting it because I am trying to use partial 32 bit and that is a no no...

Do you have a 16 template I could use?