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[new question] string processing

Started by JayJay, December 14, 2011, 08:00:32 PM

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Quote from: donkey on December 16, 2011, 02:37:06 AMYou can put it anywhere as long as it is not addressed before being declared (MASM limitation, GoAsm does not care),  however to make sure that the processor does not try to execute it you must jump over it using a JMP instruction.

Another convenient place is just before the proc:
include \masm32\include\

start: call MyTest

mText db "The text", 0
mTitle db "The title", 0
MyTest proc
invoke MessageBox, 0, addr mText, addr mTitle, MB_OK
MyTest endp

end start

By the way, JWasm allows forward references, too - a source of trouble if you use JWasm by default and want to remain compatible with Masm :wink


But the issue to be addressed is how to keep the names local to the procedure, which MASM 6.xx only does for "foo:" references not "foo db ?" ones.

JayJay is asking for locally scoped strings, without using the stack/LOCAL, with the possibility of using the same name in multiple procedures for different data.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: clive on December 16, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
But the issue to be addressed is how to keep the names local to the procedure, which MASM 6.xx only does for "foo:" references not "foo db ?" ones.

JayJay is asking for locally scoped strings, without using the stack/LOCAL, with the possibility of using the same name in multiple procedures for different data.


   Well, if the name is local, and you want it global, you have a
problem of sorts, correct?  A possible way out is indirect addressing
with a pre-defined pointer to a string?  Like maybe;

StringPointer   DD      ?
NullString      DB      "Null!",0

PROC    SomeWhere

        MOV     StringPointer,OFFSET Foo

; Code that calls another procedure that wants the local string.
        CALL    Bar
; ...

; Then reset the pointer after usage.

        MOV     StringPointer,OFFSET NullString

        DB      "This is a local string.",0


   Seems a bit contrived though.


Steve N.


Quote from: clive on December 16, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
But the issue to be addressed is how to keep the names local to the procedure, which MASM 6.xx only does for "foo:" references not "foo db ?" ones.

To complicate things further: This assembles fine...

include \masm32\include\

start: call MyTest

MyTest proc
jmp @F
db "The text", 0
invoke MessageBox, 0, offset mText, 0, MB_OK
MyTest endp

MyTest2 proc
jmp @F
db "The text", 0
; invoke MessageBox, 0, offset mText, 0, MB_OK
MyTest2 endp

end start