Hey everyone I need help with my code to run

Started by crazyhorse, December 12, 2011, 07:59:12 AM

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Quote from: crazyhorse on December 12, 2011, 07:59:12 AM
The following is a 16-bit code i'm trying to run on masm32.

I can't find the error, mind helping me out please :)

I get "There was an Error in Creating." when it runs. What is InputOutputCommand supposed to return in dx?


InputOutputCommand PROC
      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;For the Input File Name;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      mov di, 81h   
      mov si, OFFSET InputFileName   
      mov al, 20h
      repz scasb

To use a rep prefix you need to init CX, probably when the file is loaded CX=0 so no rep happens.
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Try to check your filenames before using them.
InputOutputCommand PROC
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;For the Input File Name;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov di, 81h
mov si, OFFSET InputFileName
mov al, 20h
mov cx, 128 ; see Sinsi's post
push di  ; you need that one, right?
repz scasb
pop di
jz FileMissing
FileMissing: stc
if check
mov dx, OFFSET InputFileName
mov ah, 9 ; display message the
int 21h ; traditional way
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
InputOutputCommand ENDP


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