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What is the definition of a hypocrite?

Started by Bill Cravener, September 05, 2011, 01:05:11 PM

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Quote from: hutch-- on September 06, 2011, 12:01:08 AM
I take molesting a good Havana cigar with a thing like Monica Lewinsky as a very serious matter, Clinton should have been impeached for bad taste....
Nah.. it's Monica that should be 'flogged' for bad 'taste'...


Whoa, I never expected politics on USA is harder than I know, you know, Racismt sentimental, into religious false accusation, like what obama endure. I think lots of religious people need to see their own self than pointing anyone. It is the same here, the religous preacher talk until their mouth dry bringing religions to politics, accusing anyone not on the same opinios is a demons. For example, Gus Dur who tried to calming religious war, accussed as a 666 by both muslim and Xtian. Both are stupid, and both are hypocrytes. Xtian always talk about following Jesus step by keep patient, but it was only if they are not armed, if they had a bomb, it would be a different cases :green. Muslims? Well, I dont see any different between religions, I think they both had the same fundamentalist etchic code, "Lips Service".

Well, for money, I'll do everything too. Abraham faith is the same, allowing their leader to pick a tax, who'll miss it? I wont do it anyway, why should I quit from my job when I need it? You wont do it too.

Nah. I think it is not me the demon is, it is them. Look at them, they doesnot even realize if they are hating each others, but they are so experienced when pointing anyone mistake, lots faster than Im typing or playing a games, hell, Im get used to it after 6 years.  :green Theyr good at their professions.

Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



All political parties are dispisable.... :tdown

Bill Cravener

Hi Van.

All politicians are narcissistic scum but in my country one party is scummier then the other. I think you know which party I believe that is. :bg
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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

dedndave my country one party is scummier then the other

not sure i agree with that - they are all pretty scummy - lol
it takes a certain type of personality to become a politician - and there inlies the problem
the personality traits required are the same ones that screw us

it's a similar situation for being a cop
most cops are control-freaks with side-order of redneck - lol



The following video was even funnier.


I could not agree more on the type of people that often make politicians or pigs. I basically hold the view that the people best suited for those jobs don't want those jobs. Can you imagine a person who wanted to see society become an equitable place selling their arse to become a politician ? Even harder to fill would be anyone who wants to protect society when you have laws made by politicians to line the pockets of the rich by screwing the poor ever becoming a pig ? You get R_Soles doing both as they are part of shafting ordinary people to make the rich richer.
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It has always been my belife that those that are drawn to power, are not who we need in power,as Hutch says. The best person to lead is the person who has no personal agenda other than doing what is best for the people. It is those people however that are not drawn to run for these positions.

Bill Cravener

Here's the way I see it, like it or not we have a two party system here in the States and if you vote (you do vote don't you?) you must choose a side that best represents your own beliefs. In my case the Republican Party doesn't even come close so I side with what I see as the least evil and that is the Democratic Party. The Democratic party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, shares the same ideals as our nation's motto: E pluribus unum- "Out of many, one." We stand for Liberty, Justice, Equality (For All), Community, Strong Middle Class Jobs, Defense of our Shores (not the shores of others), Modern Infrastructure (ours is in bad need of repair), Economic Stability, Prosperity (for all, not just for oneself), Energy Independence, and Environmental Protection just to name a few. I know both sides can be evil and greedy but as an American voter you must choose a side. Now if you support big corporations, are only concerned for oneself, against equal rights for all, desire wars for profit, dislike those with less then you (such as the poor and those less fortunate), think that if you can't afford health insurance and get sick just hurry up and die, hate gays and lesbians or those who do not believe in a god then perhaps the Republican Party is best for you. I'm just saying. :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I agree 100% with you Bill,I do wish greed and corruption was not an issue,but when large sums are involved then someone will try to sneek a piece of it. I believe in the American dream,but it seems some believe it is only for a few,and not for all.


You know Bill's post makes me think of the Koch brothers, not to say that I don't agree with Bill, I am a staunch supporter of the social responsibility of government. But I remember hearing the Koch brothers comment on their rabid anti union stance and their financial support for union busting politicians. They said that unions were socialist and therefor un-American. So that got me thinking are there any other un-American things out there ? Since the whole union thing is simply a group of people electing someone to negotiate for and represent them, what else falls into that category ?

1) The United States federal government and every State government
2) Families
3) Publicly held companies and by proxy the stock market

It's time we did away with all of these socialist (dare I say communist) institutions and help them to stamp out the RED THREAT. I mean if people are allowed to subscribe to successful collective bargaining they may actually begin to demand that their government actually start acting in their interest and that my friends is unacceptable. Time to stamp out unions, governments, families, and corporations they are all just socialism in disguise and waiting to destroy the American way of life.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable

Bill Cravener

Touché Edgar,

Ah yes, the billionaire Kock brothers the great tea-bagger backers founded by longtime Republican hack Sal Russo and Howard Kaloogian they who organized many cross country convoys and so called town meetings for their beloved right wing candidates. Those who wish to clear out the hornet's nest of demonic tax and spend liberal scum. And yet it was clear from the start that this insurgency was fraudulent from the very outset. Its real interest and goals are simply camouflaged by fancy campaign rhetoric. They have no intention of renewing American freedoms or any intent in taking America back for the "little guy". There first and foremost priority is to dismantle Social Security, junk Medicare Medicaid and kill Unemployment Insurance just for a start. What an evil pair they be!! :tdown
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat