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What Would George Clooney Do ???

Started by baltoro, December 07, 2011, 08:54:37 PM

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George Clooney, of course, is rich and famous, and, uber-good looking, and, lives the glamorous life,...
...But,...seeing as how I am a mediocre assembly programmer, I suffer from extremely low self-esteem.
I'm pathetic,...and, my life is boring, boring, boring.
But, lately, I've come to see that I'm just looking at it all wrong.
I've been reading a lot of psycho-murder mysteries,...mostly by well-known authors like James Patterson,...and, spy novels about really exciting dudes that seem to get all the hot babes, and, somehow, manage to save Western Civilization from total destruction, all in just a couple of chapters.
It's easy to imagine yourself as a character in one of these works of fiction,...and, I do,'s fun, and mindless, it's like watching reality TV, and, not nearly as risky as using illicit drugs...and, I always know the evil doers will get brutally terminated in the end.   
So,...I've decided, a kind of vacation from reality, become an evil psychopath. :eek

Heck, everyone has a DARK SIDE.
Yah, LOL, even DAVE !!! (he calls it Zara)
...And,...for HUTCH,...assembly programming IS his dark side.
I think we should all embrace our inherent evilness. It's therapeutic.



Hi baltoro,

Try to write a good chess program in assembly. Believe me, your life would not be boring anymore. :bg


i was surprised to see how much effort there is going into chess programs, Erol
there are a number of sites devoted to just that one subject   :P

Baltoro - be sure and watch the movie "The Peacemaker"
it has both spies and George (kicking ass and getting the girl in the end)  :P


"The Peacemaker" was a great flick Dave..lots of action.. :cheekygreen:


and Nicole was looking particularly hot with the dark auburn hair, too   :bg


Study artificial intelligence and then try and create a really good one.

Who knows, maybe you will become the creator of Skynet.


we can blame Baltoro, in advance   :bdg


...Yeah,...I LOVED the Peacemaker,...
But,...wait a minute. Back to the evil psychopath concept,...
I'm kind of a novice at this whole evil thing,...but, I've got some wild ideas,...

...Maybe,...a consortium of shadowy Hedge Funds that plunge World Stock and Bond Markets into wild-fire financial chaos,...a bizarre time-travelling religious cult,...virtual political campaigns, complete with ludicrous scandals and mind-altering intergalactic psychoses,...of course, some major global warming devastation,,...zombies taking control of the Military and making it totally gay,...wars causing global cascading collapses of the G8 nations,...hyperbolic acceleration of incredibly weird inter-species evolutionary mutations,...Hollywood celebrities dominating technology R&D and major industry,...

Yeah,...and, I'm cool with the whole blame thing, just enhances my edgy, light-speed evilness,...
:eek ...And, Vortex,...I think I see what you're up to, would take me an eternity to write a completely dysfunctional chess game in assembly,...thus sparing humanity the dire consequences of my Evil OverLord Eternal Damnation,...nice try,... :eek


maybe i pointed you at the wrong movie - lol

here are a few movies that feature evil do-gooders
Batman Begins
The Shadow
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

also, if you've been reading the other threads....
Back to the Future seems to have a rewarding effect on pyschopaths   :lol


I never felt offended by anyone because Im never identifying my self as any of anyone sides. Im on my own side.
I gave up my emotion and feeling long time ago. I dont see any of it will increase my survival rate. They key for survival is, logic, and inteligence. But I gain a new ablitiy called wisdom. And maybe, it will teach my the art of emotion, through psychology.

I dont know, even though Im not white, I always comfort with anyone who got white skin.My best friend was a white, and we never even care about skin colour, we never talk about it. He likes a gils with brown skin, even his wife was, but his son are not, and me, I love the white girls. I never care about this, except in here, but it was just a few months ago. Honestly, I dont care about people appearance, I care only knowledge.

Trust me, If you guys knowledges below me, I wont be here. Im gone everywhere else, maybe watching you killing each other, where Im not beeing invovled, always at a neutral position, so where ever I came, everybody will think I was a friend. In fact, Im friend of no one. It is not me who need to be siding, it is them, who need to be on my side.  :bdg
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


DAVE !!!
Clearly, you don't HAVE a Dark Side.
Those terminating lols for your e.e.cummings style assembly language advice are about as close as you get. :eek
...Kind of refreshing,...actually,...
:eek If we can just keep you from torturing Southern Californians with end-of-the-world type power outages,...Western Civilization can proceed with it's usual demented zeitgeist,... :eek


Well... I watch very few movies, mainly cartoon stuff with the kids(eg: Antz, Finding Nemo, Lion King, Madagascar...) you get the idea.
I actually prefer these cartoons as they're more entertaining than most of the real life garbage that we're made to endure.

Balt.. you should have a good 'bad' attitude about yourself. Me, I'm just cool, HOT(the wiff 'faints' when she sees me  :bg)
and the coolest thing on 2 legs. Full of it.. yeah! but I wouldn't have it any other way. Other than that I mostly quiet and laid back.



Quote from: dedndave on December 09, 2011, 12:22:38 AM
maybe i pointed you at the wrong movie - lol

here are a few movies that feature evil do-gooders
Batman Begins
The Shadow
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

also, if you've been reading the other threads....
Back to the Future seems to have a rewarding effect on pyschopaths (sic)  :lol

I prefer the movies with the truly evil psychopaths:

  • Silence of the Lambs - Hannibal Lecter
  • Harry Potter - Lord Voldemort
  • Blue Velvet - Frank Booth
  • W. - George W. Bush
  • Star Wars - Emperor
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


I do love action movies,but the thing I really love is a movie with a kick ass plot. Like "The usual suspects" something that I can't figure the outcome in the first 5 minutes of the flick. Substance before special effects and over repeated plots,just stupid plots in general.
I guess I mean something with depth..


Quote from: anunitu on December 09, 2011, 07:49:05 PM
I do love action movies,but the thing I really love is a movie with a kick ass plot. Like "The usual suspects" something that I can't figure the outcome in the first 5 minutes of the flick. Substance before special effects and over repeated plots,just stupid plots in general.
I guess I mean something with depth..

I'll take special effects over substance any day of the week. If I'm watching a movie its to be entertained, not educated. Sure a good story is fine but most of the cerebral stuff puts me to sleep while stuff like independence day and surrogates entertains me. My general rule is that if the movie stars a certain group of actors (Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine, Bette Midler, Patrick Swayze, Renee Zellweger etc...) I avoid it like the plague, also if the title contains certain keywords like "Sisterhood" or the name of any flower I avoid them. The worst thing for me though is if the movie wins an academy award for any of the drama categories, I don't know how much of that junk I've sat through to appease the girls but usually about half way through I'm thinking something like "that 2 hours was the worst year of my life".
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable