debugging techniques with the crt

Started by ToutEnMasm, October 29, 2011, 05:06:15 PM

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This is a translate for masm of the crt_dg1 sample of msdn
This sample uses the following keywords:

_asserte; _crtcheckmemory; _crtdumpmemoryleaks; _crtmemcheckpoint; _crtmemdifference; _crtmemdumpallobjectssince; _crtmemdumpstatistics; _crtsetdbgflag; _crtsetreportfile; _crtsetreportmode; _malloc_dbg; _rpt1; _rpt2; aboutbox; clear_crt_debug_field; createinstance; displaystring; free; get_size; helpstring; id; iid_is; malloc; module; outputheading; pointer_default; put_size; set_crt_debug_field; strcmp; strcpy; uuid