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Where is MailBeep.wav ?

Started by Magnum, November 26, 2011, 02:25:34 AM

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This works, but I can't find any MailBeep.wav.

Where is the sucker ?  :bg

INVOKE  PlaySound,chr$('MailBeep'),NULL,SND_ALIAS

Have a great day,


SND_ALIAS specifies an alias for a system event. Try searching your registry for the MailBeep key.
eschew obfuscation


the user gets to select the sound in the Control Panel, Sounds and Audio Devices, Sounds tab
most of the default system sounds reside in C:\Windows\Media
it won't be named mailbeep.wav, however
that is a system alias
;System Sound Alias Equates
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMEXCLAMATION  EQU 2153h    ;SystemExclamation   Exclamation          -5845
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMASTERISK     EQU 2A53h    ;SystemAsterisk      Asterisk             -5843
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMQUESTION     EQU 3F53h    ;SystemQuestion      Question             -5849
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMDEFAULT      EQU 4453h    ;SystemDefault       Default Beep         -5824
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMEXIT         EQU 4553h    ;SystemExit          Exit Windows         -5846
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMHAND         EQU 4853h    ;SystemHand          Critical Stop        -5847
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMSTART        EQU 5353h    ;SystemStart         Start Windows        -5850
;SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMWELCOME      EQU 5753h    ;SystemWelcome
;                                          ;SystemNotification  System Notification  -5848
;Theme Sound Name Strings

the aliasing definitions are stored in the registry under HKCU\AppEvents\EventLabels

be aware that the user may have selected no sound for that item   :P
if you want to ensure that a sound is made, use a different method

if you notice, sound alias values like:
are actually EQUate replacements of old 2-character strings
2153h is 'S!'
2A53h is 'S*'
3F53h is 'S?'
4453h is 'SD'
4553h is 'SE'
4853h is 'SH'
5353h is 'SS'
5753h is 'SW'