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Cell Phones and Brain Tumors

Started by Bill Cravener, October 18, 2011, 09:42:51 AM

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Bill Cravener

I've been saying it for years that there is coming an epidemic of brain tumors of historic proportions caused by the excessive use of cell phones by children and the evidence is mounting that I am correct. Its now making the national news that this may be the case.
"Richard Bittar a prominent Canberra neurologist has written a research report into the link between cell phones and brain tumors. He believes cell phones will be the next great public health issue, and compares their effect with those of smoking and asbestos."

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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat



Well smoking has not killed me yet and 10 years of running a business in a factory clad with asbesdos sheet does not seem to have had any effect but I am probably safe from cellphone brain rot as I refuse to own one. I have a land line alongside of where I work but if I am not near it I don't want to answer the phone.
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Bill Cravener


I own and use a cell phone Steve, it comes in handy when I'm out on a service call realize that I'm lost and need help finding the place (nice to have too if one breaks down out in the middle of no-where) but unlike the kids I see today its not glued to my ear 24/7.
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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


i saw in the news the other day where the doctors want the gov't to re-vamp the test
they use a manikin that is the size of a 200 lb male adult
the doctors want them to use a variety of manikins

the medical professionals seem to have little understanding of the nature of electromagnetic radiation
the amount of energy absorbed by a child is not going to be much more or less than an adult, really
however, from a medical standpoint, it may do more damage to a younger brain
not to mention that a child has more to lose, to start with   :P

i have an antenna design that reduces this level by as much as 20 db
when i approached motorola with it, they were not interested
i have a notion to just put it on a website and let it be public-domain information
it would be nice to make a little money on it, though - lol
i would think it is worth more than i really need


Quote from: dedndavethe medical professionals seem to have little understanding of the nature of electromagnetic radiation the amount of energy absorbed by a child is not going to be much more or less than an adult, really however, from a medical standpoint, it may do more damage to a younger brain not to mention that a child has more to lose, to start with

Aren't they wetter and mushier? Plus you're looking at the period of use, both continuous, and as a percentage of life span.

It would be interesting to see the numbers for the sales reps who used to carry around the original brick phones, or sailors in close proximity to high power radar gear.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


i dunno if they are wetter or not   :P
that is all medical stuff that the doctors need to tell us
personally, i think there is likely to be more long-term damage to a teen than an adult, as their brains have not fully developed
that has little to do with the specific amount of energy absorbed

i wanted to devise my own test
i was thinking of using a water balloon on a pedestal to simulate the head
perhaps another small one to simulate the hand
then, by measuring the change in temperature of the water over a given period of time, an accurate measurement could be made
the rest of the body is of little concern, really - a fact that i am guessing medical professionals are not aware of


Quote from: hutch-- on October 18, 2011, 10:09:36 AM

I am probably safe from cellphone brain rot as I refuse to own one. I have a land line alongside of where I work but if I am not near it I don't want to answer the phone.
Same here! If you can't reach me by e-mail then I'm not available anyway so don't bother trying anything else!  :bg

Unfortunately however I suspect this research will get buried alongside every other paper to demonstrate a link between mobile phones and cancers. In Europe at least, there is a rebuttal every other week to some paper that was never reported in the news to start with saying how research has shown that other research was wrong and there is no link etc...  ::)   Too many $$$ in mobile phones.

Quotepersonally, i think there is likely to be more long-term damage to a teen than an adult, as their brains have not fully developed
Close; the issue is actually to do with the rate of cell division. In a child the rate of cell division is much faster than that of fully grown adult. After the age of about 25 your brain no longer creates new brain cells for example. As you get older, the rate of cell division reduces, until you hit your 60s or older where your cell division rate is much slower. It is thought that exposing older people to radiation has far lower effects than younger people (less than 30) due to this alone. In many older people they will not live long enough to develop symptoms from exposure, whilst the younger person may develop serious illness in less time.