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Moving child windows, revisited

Started by NoCforMe, October 16, 2011, 10:11:00 AM

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a while back, i wrote a little program to find out which style bits the MessageBox function uses for different controls...

;     button style = 50030001

WS_CHILD                             equ 40000000h
WS_VISIBLE                           equ 10000000h
WS_GROUP                             equ 00020000h ;control
WS_TABSTOP                           equ 00010000h ;control
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON                     equ 00000001h

;static icon style = 50020003

WS_CHILD                             equ 40000000h
WS_VISIBLE                           equ 10000000h
WS_GROUP                             equ 00020000h ;control
SS_RIGHT                             equ 00000002h
SS_CENTER                            equ 00000001h

;static text style = 50022080

WS_CHILD                             equ 40000000h
WS_VISIBLE                           equ 10000000h
WS_GROUP                             equ 00020000h ;control
SS_EDITCONTROL                       equ 00002000h
SS_NOPREFIX                          equ 00000080h

the WS_GROUP and WS_TABSTOP bits are used to control how the tab key moves around


The border was just to demonstrate that the window is there. To see the text, make a little change around line 200:
ChildClassName DB "OneShouldNotUseReservedWords", 0
BtnClassName DB "button", 0
EditClassName DB "edit", 0
StaticClassName DB "static", 0


jj, thank you for delving so deeply into my n00b code. That fixed it.

The problem wasn't using "reserved words" so much as mis-using them. I don't know why I made the class of the child window "static", but that was boogering up the whole class thing. Class warfare, dontcha know. Static text works just fine.

See, I told you it was just a stupid mistake on my part!

One more question, if you don't mind: What's the easiest way to change the font of  the static text? Do I need to change it at the class ("static") level, or on a per-control basis, or what? Don't like that ugly blocky font.


that makes no sense   :(

if he used a class name string of...
StaticClassName  DB "static"
StaticText DB "Some text", 0

i.e., the class name is actually
StaticClassName  DB "staticSome text", 0

then it seems like CreateWindowEx should have returned an error telling you the class name is not registered


@Dave: it's ChildClassName :thumbu

MOV ControlHandle, EAX
; INVOKE UpdateWindow, EAX not needed
invoke SendMessage, STHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, chr$("Hey, why not another text?")
invoke SendMessage, STHandle, WM_SETFONT, rv(GetStockObject, ANSI_VAR_FONT), 0

rv and chr$ are Masm32 macros that you'll get if you replace the boring stuff between
; Defines, macros, prototypes, etc.
include \masm32\include\
or, much better,
include \masm32\MasmBasic\


Thank you, jj, you're what they used to call a gentleman and a scholar.

Keep bugging me. One day I might even change my old ways and use that cover-all include file.



Quote from: NoCforMe on October 19, 2011, 08:08:32 PM
Thank you, jj, you're what they used to call a gentleman and a scholar.

That is very kind but incorrect. Dave is a gentleman, and MichaelW, Donkey, Vortex, Tedd (to name a few) are scholars. I am just a cantankerous old hobby programmer who tries to give Hutch a helping hand :thumbu :toothy


Quote from: jj2007 on October 19, 2011, 08:19:55 PM
I am just a cantankerous old hobby programmer who tries to give Hutch a helping hand :thumbu :toothy

Yes.... jj is the handy man
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking