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Reverse string timings

Started by jj2007, October 14, 2011, 07:19:33 AM

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OK, thanks everybody :U

Now that we have a new super-fast algo: Any proposals where it could be applied? I don't have the faintest idea... ::)


i was poking through some SQL files the other day
they had stored all the URL's in reverse   :P


Quote from: dedndave on October 15, 2011, 12:25:45 AM
i was poking through some SQL files the other day
they had stored all the URL's in reverse   :P

You should PEEK, not POKE, Dave :naughty:
So ok, we'll sell them the algo for a modest fgure, say: 100,000 bucks. Do you know the CEO?


they were firefox SQL files   :P
not much profit, there