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Sudoku *Checker*

Started by jenxin, October 13, 2011, 10:25:25 PM

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Hey all.

I'm currently learning assembly language.

My assignment is to make a program that can check a sudoku.

The first code is the assignment, the 2nd is my attempt.


;-------------- BEGIN STUDENT CODE ------------------------------------------------
; (You may replace this block of code with "INCLUDE Test_Sudoku.asm", and then
; edit only that file when developing code.) Only submit code for this procedure:

INCLUDE Test_Sudoku.asm

;-------------- END STUDENT CODE --------------------------------------------------

    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester -- Program #2
    ; October 6, 2011

    ; This code draws a Sudoku matrix, allows the user to enter or erase numbers,
    ; and thus helps students debug their procedure "Test_Sudoku" (which is called
    ; by this procedure after each number is entered; an illegal entry causes that
    ; value to flash on the screen a few times and then disappear).
    ; The Sudoku matrix is stored as a contiguous string of 81 bytes. These bytes
    ; will only contain unsigned codes for values 0-9 (0 is an uninitialized cell).
    ; The bytes are in row-wise (left-to-right, top-to-down) scan format.
    ; The single parameter passed to procedure "Test_Sudoku" is the starting address
    ; of these 81 bytes in memory, which is passed in register edx.
    ; Procedure "Test_Sudoku" passes back eax=1 if the matrix is found to be valid
    ; according to Sudoku rules of legality, and eax=0 if not valid.

        Sudoku_Matrix BYTE 81 dup(0)
        Cursor_Row   BYTE  ?
        Cursor_Col   BYTE  ?
        Temp_Dword   DWORD ?

    call Draw_Sudoku_Matrix

    ; Position cursor in upper left cell of the Sudoku grid
    mov Cursor_Row,0
    mov Cursor_Col,0


    ; Redraw the Sudoku matrix values on the display
    call Update_Sudoku_Matrix

    call Update_Cursor

    call ReadChar

    .IF (al=='l')||(al=='L')
        jmp Square_Left
    .ELSEIF (al=='r')||(al=='R')
        jmp Square_Right
    .ELSEIF (al=='u')||(al=='U')
        jmp Square_Up
    .ELSEIF (al=='d')||(al=='D')
        jmp Square_Down
    .ELSEIF (al=='0')||(al==' ')
        ; blank square
        mov al,' '
        call WriteChar
        mov al,0
        call Write_Sudoku_Matrix
        jmp Square_Right
    .ELSEIF (al>='1')&&(al<='9')
        ; a number was entered
        sub al,'0'                 ; convert '1'-'9' to 1-9
        mov ah,al                  ; store the value in ah temporarily
        call Read_Sudoku_Matrix    ; AL returns the previous value at (Row,Col)
        ror ax,8                   ; swap AL and AH contents
        call Write_Sudoku_Matrix   ; AH stores previous value, user input sent to mem.

        pushad                     ; save all doubleword registers on stack
        mov edx,OFFSET Sudoku_Matrix
        call Test_Sudoku           ; EDX sends address of Sudoku_Matrix,
                                   ; EAX returns value of 1 (valid) or 0 (invalid)
        mov Temp_Dword,eax
        popad                      ; restore all doubleword registers
        mov eax,Temp_Dword         ; I had to do this for ease of testing many students' code...

        .IF (eax==1)
            ; legal input
            jmp Square_Right
        .ELSEIF (eax==0)
            ; illegal input
            call Flash_Value           ; flash the illegal input value a few times, then ignore
            mov al,ah
            call Write_Sudoku_Matrix   ; previous value is restored
            ; eax has returned neither 1 nor 0, so terminate the program
            jmp Quit

    jmp Get_User_Input


    .IF (Cursor_Col==0)
        mov Cursor_Col,8
        jmp Square_Up
        dec Cursor_Col
    call Get_User_Input


    .IF (Cursor_Col==8)
        mov Cursor_Col,0
        jmp Square_Down
        inc Cursor_Col
    call Get_User_Input


    .IF (Cursor_Row==0)
        mov Cursor_Row,8
        dec Cursor_Row
    call Get_User_Input


    .IF (Cursor_Row==8)
        mov Cursor_Row,0
        inc Cursor_Row
    jmp Get_User_Input

    ;illegal value returned in eax from "Test_Sudoku" -- stop execution

Draw_Sudoku_Matrix PROC
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; This procedure draws the grid lines for a Sudoku matrix in the
    ; command window.

        String1 BYTE 20 dup(' '),0C9h
                BYTE  2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0D1h),3 dup(0CDh),0CBh)
                BYTE        2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0D1h),3 dup(0CDh),0BBh,0
        String2 BYTE 20 dup(' '),0BAh
                BYTE  2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(020h),0B3h),3 dup(020h),0BAh)
                BYTE        2 dup(3 dup(020h),0B3h),3 dup(020h),0BAh,0
        String3 BYTE 20 dup(' '),0C7h
                BYTE  2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(0C4h),0C5h),3 dup(0C4h),0D7h)
                BYTE        2 dup(3 dup(0C4h),0C5h),3 dup(0C4h),0B6h,0
        String4 BYTE 20 dup(' '),0CCh
                BYTE  2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0D8h),3 dup(0CDh),0CEh)
                BYTE        2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0D8h),3 dup(0CDh),0B9h,0
        String5 BYTE 20 dup(' '),0C8h
                BYTE  2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0CFh),3 dup(0CDh),0CAh)
                BYTE        2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0CFh),3 dup(0CDh),0BCh,0
        String6 BYTE "   Cursor control:",0
        String7 BYTE "   U = move up",0
        String8 BYTE "   D = move down",0
        String9 BYTE "   L = move left",0
        StringA BYTE "   R = move right",0
        StringB BYTE "   Enter 1-9,",0
        StringC BYTE "   or 0/space",0
        StringD BYTE "   for blank",0


    call ClrScr
    call Crlf
    call Crlf
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String1
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String3
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String3
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET StringB
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET StringC
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String4
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET StringD
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String3
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET String6
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String3
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET String7
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET String8
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String4
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET String9
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
        mov edx,OFFSET StringA
        call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String3
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String3
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String2
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    mov edx,OFFSET String5
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
Draw_Sudoku_Matrix ENDP

Update_Sudoku_Matrix PROC
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; This procedure updates all of the numbers in the Sudoku matrix that is
    ; displayed in the command window, based on those stored in memory in array
    ; 'Sudoku_Matrix'.

        Cursor_Row_copy  BYTE  ?
        Cursor_Col_copy  BYTE  ?

    mov al,Cursor_Row                 ; save copy of the current cursor position
    mov Cursor_Row_copy,al
    mov al,Cursor_Col
    mov Cursor_Col_copy,al

    mov Cursor_Row,0
A1:     mov Cursor_Col,0
A2:         call Read_Sudoku_Matrix   ; AL returns value at (Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col)
            .IF (al==0)
                mov al,' '            ; display space character instead of zero
                add al,'0'            ; convert 1-9 to '1'-'9'
            call Update_Cursor        ; display value inside the grid lines
            call WriteChar
            call Update_Cursor1       ; display value as it appears in linear memory
               .IF (al==' ')
                mov al,'0'            ; display zero instead of space character
            call WriteChar
       inc Cursor_Col
       cmp Cursor_Col,9
       jne A2
    inc Cursor_Row
    cmp Cursor_Row,9
    jne A1

    mov al,Cursor_Row_copy            ; restore cursor position
    mov Cursor_Row,al
    mov al,Cursor_Col_copy
    mov Cursor_Col,al
Update_Sudoku_Matrix ENDP

Read_Sudoku_Matrix PROC USES ecx edx
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; This procedure reads and returns (in al) the Sudoku matrix value
    ; that is stored at location (Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col).  Cursor_Row
    ; and Cursor_Col are existing memory bytes in the range [0,8].
    ; The base address is "Sudoku_Matrix".
    mov edx,OFFSET Sudoku_Matrix
    mov ecx,0
    mov cl,Cursor_Row
    shl cl,3    ; CL <-- 8*Cursor_Row
    add cl,Cursor_Row  ; CL <-- CL + Cursor_Row = 9*Cursor_Row
    add cl,Cursor_Col  ; CL <-- 9*Cursor_Row + Cursor_Col = matrix offset
                       ;         to desired cell
    mov al,[edx+ecx]
Read_Sudoku_Matrix ENDP

Write_Sudoku_Matrix PROC USES ecx edx
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; This procedure writes the value that is passed in al to the Sudoku
    ; matrix at location (Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col).  Cursor_Row and Cursor_Col
    ; are existing memory bytes in the range [0,8]. The base address is
    ; "Sudoku_Matrix".
    mov edx,OFFSET Sudoku_Matrix
    mov ecx,0
    mov cl,Cursor_Row
    shl cl,3    ; CL <-- 8*Cursor_Row
    add cl,Cursor_Row  ; CL <-- CL + Cursor_Row = 9*Cursor_Row
    add cl,Cursor_Col  ; CL <-- 9*Cursor_Row + Cursor_Col = matrix offset
                       ;         to desired cell
    add edx,ecx ; pointer <-- pointer + offset
    mov [edx],al
Write_Sudoku_Matrix ENDP

Update_Cursor PROC USES edx
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; input parameters: Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col (in memory)
    ; Cursor is moved to Sudoku Matrix location (Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col)
    mov dh,Cursor_Row
    shl dh,1
    add dh,4         ; dh <-- Yoffset + 2*Cursor_Row  (Yoffset=4)
    mov dl,Cursor_Col
    shl dl,2
    add dl,22        ; dl <-- Xoffset + 4*Cursor_Col  (Xoffset=22)
    call GotoXY
Update_Cursor ENDP

Update_Cursor1 PROC USES edx
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; input parameters: Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col (in memory)
    ; Cursor is moved to a spot at left of the matrix grid to a position
    ; corresponding to coordinates (Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col)
    mov dh,Cursor_Row
    add dh,8             ; dh <-- Yoffset + Cursor_Row  (Yoffset=8)
    mov dl,Cursor_Col
    add dl,5             ; dl <-- Xoffset + Cursor_Col  (Xoffset=5)
    call GotoXY
Update_Cursor1 ENDP

Flash_Value PROC USES eax ecx
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; This procedure flashes on and off (4 times) the value that is stored at
    ; Sudoku Matrix location (Cursor_Row,Cursor_Col)
    mov ecx,4
A0:     mov al,' '
        call WriteChar
        call Update_Cursor
        call Wait1
        call Read_Sudoku_Matrix
        add al,'0'
        call WriteChar
        call Update_Cursor
        call Wait1
    loop A0
Flash_Value ENDP

Wait1 PROC USES eax
    ; Vladimir Goncharoff
    ; ECE 267: Computer Organization I
    ; University of Illinois at Chicago
    ; Fall 2011 Semester
    ; October 6, 2011
    ; This procedure waits for 1/10 sec
    mov eax,100
    call Delay
Wait1 ENDP

END main

Attempt at solution:

Test_Sudoku PROC

mov ecx, 81
mov eax, 0

mov ebx, [edx]
cmp ebx, 0
jne CheckRow
loop A0


mov bl,[edx]
.if bl==[edx+0]

.if bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1] || bl==[edx+9*2] || bl==[edx+9*3] || bl==[edx+9*4] || bl==[edx+9*5] || bl==[edx+9*6] || bl==[edx+9*7] || bl==[edx+9*8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

mov bl,[edx+1]

.if bl==[edx+1]

.if bl==[edx+11]
jmp Fail


jmp Pass

mov eax,1

mov eax,0

Test_Sudoku ENDP

My question is how to check other squares beside the 1st square. It goes bad when I try to implement another square check.

It's due at 12AM tonight, I'd prefer advice in order to understand the language more.


Also, EDX is the pointer which points to memory for value at the squares(so i think).


I got it working for the 1st 3 numbers..

The problem is that the 1st box must have a value now. :[


mov bl,[edx]

.if bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1] || bl==[edx+9*2] || bl==[edx+9*3] || bl==[edx+9*4] || bl==[edx+9*5] || bl==[edx+9*6] || bl==[edx+9*7] || bl==[edx+9*8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

inc bl

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+1] || bl==[edx+9*2+1] || bl==[edx+9*3+1] || bl==[edx+9*4+1] || bl==[edx+9*5+1] || bl==[edx+9*6+1] || bl==[edx+9*7+1] || bl==[edx+9*8+1]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

inc bl

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+2] || bl==[edx+9*2+2] || bl==[edx+9*3+2] || bl==[edx+9*4+2] || bl==[edx+9*5+2] || bl==[edx+9*6+2] || bl==[edx+9*7+2] || bl==[edx+9*8+2]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail


I don't understand why you are using "inc bl" as this isn't loading another value from the next matrix point which you want to be  checking.

Basically you're got to do 81 iterations, and checking the 8 other values in the same row, and 8 other values in the same column.

So wouldn't that first "inc bl" need to be "mov bl,[edx+1]" ?
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


yeah, I recently figured it out.

Currently bruteforcing the solution..

Here's a updated version and so on..
Is there any other way? (easier?) I'm new to assembly. :{

The reason my code wasn't working was because it was checking with a 0 value in bl. :\


mov bl,[edx]
.if bl>=1

.if bl>=1 && bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl>=1 && bl==[edx+9*1] || bl==[edx+9*2] || bl==[edx+9*3] || bl==[edx+9*4] || bl==[edx+9*5] || bl==[edx+9*6] || bl==[edx+9*7] || bl==[edx+9*8]
jmp Fail

.if bl>=1 && bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check1


mov bl,[edx]+1
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+1] || bl==[edx+9*2+1] || bl==[edx+9*3+1] || bl==[edx+9*4+1] || bl==[edx+9*5+1] || bl==[edx+9*6+1] || bl==[edx+9*7+1] || bl==[edx+9*8+1]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check2


mov bl,[edx]+2
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+2] || bl==[edx+9*2+2] || bl==[edx+9*3+2] || bl==[edx+9*4+2] || bl==[edx+9*5+2] || bl==[edx+9*6+2] || bl==[edx+9*7+2] || bl==[edx+9*8+2]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check3



Well if I were going to check every combination in this fashion, I'd probably use a C language app to generate the code stream so I didn't miss a combination. Basically printf() out a bunch of assembler lines for each row/column check.

The way you probably want to attack it is to multiple row/column loops.

If you're familiar with C or Java, try implementing the algorithm in that first, then try and build the equivalent in assembler.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Dang.. I shouldhv thought of that. only 4 hours till its due. I'm somewhat familiar with java. But I'm unsure how I would write it.
Would I have a int variable, and ask the input.keyboard for it?

Is there no other way to check ?


You could use a bit vector, and confirm that each digit appeared only once as you traverse each row, column, and 3x3 grid.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


I just realized. My code needs at least 1 square on the top row to be filled, Why is this? assignment due in 2 hours fml.


here's what I currently have done..

Test_Sudoku PROC

mov ecx, 81
mov eax, 1

mov ebx, [edx]
cmp ebx, 0
jne Check0
loop A0


mov bl,[edx]
.if bl>=1

.if bl>=1 && bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl>=1 && bl==[edx+9*1] || bl==[edx+9*2] || bl==[edx+9*3] || bl==[edx+9*4] || bl==[edx+9*5] || bl==[edx+9*6] || bl==[edx+9*7] || bl==[edx+9*8]
jmp Fail

.if bl>=1 && bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check1


mov bl,[edx]+1
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+1] || bl==[edx+9*2+1] || bl==[edx+9*3+1] || bl==[edx+9*4+1] || bl==[edx+9*5+1] || bl==[edx+9*6+1] || bl==[edx+9*7+1] || bl==[edx+9*8+1]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check2


mov bl,[edx]+2
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+2] || bl==[edx+9*2+2] || bl==[edx+9*3+2] || bl==[edx+9*4+2] || bl==[edx+9*5+2] || bl==[edx+9*6+2] || bl==[edx+9*7+2] || bl==[edx+9*8+2]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check3


mov bl,[edx]+3
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+3] || bl==[edx+9*2+3] || bl==[edx+9*3+3] || bl==[edx+9*4+3] || bl==[edx+9*5+3] || bl==[edx+9*6+3] || bl==[edx+9*7+3] || bl==[edx+9*8+3]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13]|| bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22]|| bl==[edx+23]
jmp Fail

jmp Check4


mov bl,[edx]+4
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+4] || bl==[edx+9*2+4] || bl==[edx+9*3+4] || bl==[edx+9*4+4] || bl==[edx+9*5+4] || bl==[edx+9*6+4] || bl==[edx+9*7+4] || bl==[edx+9*8+4]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13]|| bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22]|| bl==[edx+23]
jmp Fail

jmp Check5


mov bl,[edx]+5
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+5] || bl==[edx+9*2+5] || bl==[edx+9*3+5] || bl==[edx+9*4+5] || bl==[edx+9*5+5] || bl==[edx+9*6+5] || bl==[edx+9*7+5] || bl==[edx+9*8+5]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13]|| bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22]|| bl==[edx+23]
jmp Fail

jmp Check6


mov bl,[edx]+6
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+7] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+6] || bl==[edx+9*2+6] || bl==[edx+9*3+6] || bl==[edx+9*4+6] || bl==[edx+9*5+6] || bl==[edx+9*6+6] || bl==[edx+9*7+6] || bl==[edx+9*8+6]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]|| bl==[edx+26] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]|| bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

jmp Check7


mov bl,[edx]+7
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+7] || bl==[edx+9*2+7] || bl==[edx+9*3+7] || bl==[edx+9*4+7] || bl==[edx+9*5+7] || bl==[edx+9*6+7] || bl==[edx+9*7+7] || bl==[edx+9*8+7]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]|| bl==[edx+26] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]|| bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

jmp Check8


mov bl,[edx]+8
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1] || bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4] || bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+8] || bl==[edx+9*2+8] || bl==[edx+9*3+8] || bl==[edx+9*4+8] || bl==[edx+9*5+8] || bl==[edx+9*6+8] || bl==[edx+9*7+8] || bl==[edx+9*8+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]|| bl==[edx+26] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]|| bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

jmp Check9


mov bl,[edx]+9
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1] || bl==[edx+9*2] || bl==[edx+9*3] || bl==[edx+9*4] || bl==[edx+9*5] || bl==[edx+9*6] || bl==[edx+9*7] || bl==[edx+9*8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1]|| bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check10


mov bl,[edx]+10
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+1] || bl==[edx+9*2+1] || bl==[edx+9*3+1] || bl==[edx+9*4+1] || bl==[edx+9*5+1] || bl==[edx+9*6+1] || bl==[edx+9*7+1] || bl==[edx+9*8+1]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1]|| bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check11


mov bl,[edx]+11
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+2] || bl==[edx+9*2+2] || bl==[edx+9*3+2] || bl==[edx+9*4+2] || bl==[edx+9*5+2] || bl==[edx+9*6+2] || bl==[edx+9*7+2] || bl==[edx+9*8+2]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1]|| bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19]|| bl==[edx+20]
jmp Fail

jmp Check12


mov bl,[edx]+12
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+3] || bl==[edx+9*2+3] || bl==[edx+9*3+3] || bl==[edx+9*4+3] || bl==[edx+9*5+3] || bl==[edx+9*6+3] || bl==[edx+9*7+3] || bl==[edx+9*8+3]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4]|| bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22]|| bl==[edx+23]
jmp Fail

jmp Check13


mov bl,[edx]+13
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+4] || bl==[edx+9*2+4] || bl==[edx+9*3+4] || bl==[edx+9*4+4] || bl==[edx+9*5+4] || bl==[edx+9*6+4] || bl==[edx+9*7+4] || bl==[edx+9*8+4]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4]|| bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22]|| bl==[edx+23]
jmp Fail

jmp Check14


mov bl,[edx]+14
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+5] || bl==[edx+9*2+5] || bl==[edx+9*3+5] || bl==[edx+9*4+5] || bl==[edx+9*5+5] || bl==[edx+9*6+5] || bl==[edx+9*7+5] || bl==[edx+9*8+5]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4]|| bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22]|| bl==[edx+23]
jmp Fail

jmp Check15


mov bl,[edx]+15
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+16] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+6] || bl==[edx+9*2+6] || bl==[edx+9*3+6] || bl==[edx+9*4+6] || bl==[edx+9*5+6] || bl==[edx+9*6+6] || bl==[edx+9*7+6] || bl==[edx+9*8+6]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]|| bl==[edx+8] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]|| bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

jmp Check16


mov bl,[edx]+16
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0*1+7] || bl==[edx+9*2+7] || bl==[edx+9*3+7] || bl==[edx+9*4+7] || bl==[edx+9*5+7] || bl==[edx+9*6+7] || bl==[edx+9*7+7] || bl==[edx+9*8+7]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]|| bl==[edx+8] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]|| bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

jmp Check17


mov bl,[edx]+17
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10] || bl==[edx+11] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13] || bl==[edx+14] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]

.if bl==[edx+0*1+8] || bl==[edx+9*2+8] || bl==[edx+9*3+8] || bl==[edx+9*4+8] || bl==[edx+9*5+8] || bl==[edx+9*6+8] || bl==[edx+9*7+8] || bl==[edx+9*8+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]|| bl==[edx+8] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]|| bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

jmp Check18



mov bl,[edx]+18
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1] || bl==[edx+0*2] || bl==[edx+9*3] || bl==[edx+9*4] || bl==[edx+9*5] || bl==[edx+9*6] || bl==[edx+9*7] || bl==[edx+9*8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1]|| bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11]
jmp Fail

jmp Check19


mov bl,[edx]+19
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+1] || bl==[edx+0*2+1] || bl==[edx+9*3+1] || bl==[edx+9*4+1] || bl==[edx+9*5+1] || bl==[edx+9*6+1] || bl==[edx+9*7+1] || bl==[edx+9*8+1]
jmp Fail
.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1]|| bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11]
jmp Fail

jmp Check20


mov bl,[edx]+20
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+2] || bl==[edx+0*2+2] || bl==[edx+9*3+2] || bl==[edx+9*4+2] || bl==[edx+9*5+2] || bl==[edx+9*6+2] || bl==[edx+9*7+2] || bl==[edx+9*8+2]
jmp Fail
.if bl==[edx+0] || bl==[edx+1]|| bl==[edx+2] || bl==[edx+9] || bl==[edx+10]|| bl==[edx+11]
jmp Fail

jmp Check21


mov bl,[edx]+21
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+3] || bl==[edx+0*2+3] || bl==[edx+9*3+3] || bl==[edx+9*4+3] || bl==[edx+9*5+3] || bl==[edx+9*6+3] || bl==[edx+9*7+3] || bl==[edx+9*8+3]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4]|| bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13]|| bl==[edx+14]
jmp Fail

jmp Check22


mov bl,[edx]+22
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+23]  || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+4] || bl==[edx+0*2+4] || bl==[edx+9*3+4] || bl==[edx+9*4+4] || bl==[edx+9*5+4] || bl==[edx+9*6+4] || bl==[edx+9*7+4] || bl==[edx+9*8+4]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4]|| bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13]|| bl==[edx+14]
jmp Fail

jmp Check23


mov bl,[edx]+23
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+5] || bl==[edx+0*2+5] || bl==[edx+9*3+5] || bl==[edx+9*4+5] || bl==[edx+9*5+5] || bl==[edx+9*6+5] || bl==[edx+9*7+5] || bl==[edx+9*8+5]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+3] || bl==[edx+4]|| bl==[edx+5] || bl==[edx+12] || bl==[edx+13]|| bl==[edx+14]
jmp Fail

jmp Check24


mov bl,[edx]+24
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+25] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+6] || bl==[edx+0*2+6] || bl==[edx+9*3+6] || bl==[edx+9*4+6] || bl==[edx+9*5+6] || bl==[edx+9*6+6] || bl==[edx+9*7+6] || bl==[edx+9*8+6]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]|| bl==[edx+8] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]|| bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

jmp Check25


mov bl,[edx]+25
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+26]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+9*1+7] || bl==[edx+0*2+7] || bl==[edx+9*3+7] || bl==[edx+9*4+7] || bl==[edx+9*5+7] || bl==[edx+9*6+7] || bl==[edx+9*7+7] || bl==[edx+9*8+7]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]|| bl==[edx+8] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]|| bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

jmp Check26

mov bl,[edx]+26
.if bl>=1

.if bl==[edx+18] || bl==[edx+19] || bl==[edx+20] || bl==[edx+21] || bl==[edx+22] || bl==[edx+23] || bl==[edx+24] || bl==[edx+25]

.if bl==[edx+9*1+8] || bl==[edx+0*2+8] || bl==[edx+9*3+8] || bl==[edx+9*4+8] || bl==[edx+9*5+8] || bl==[edx+9*6+8] || bl==[edx+9*7+8] || bl==[edx+9*8+8]
jmp Fail

.if bl==[edx+6] || bl==[edx+7]|| bl==[edx+8] || bl==[edx+15] || bl==[edx+16]|| bl==[edx+17]
jmp Fail

jmp Pass


mov eax,1

mov eax,0

Test_Sudoku ENDP


In Chicago midnight is still 3 hours away.

Ok, so is zero the "unfilled" indicator? Should the check ignore zeros as a failing criteria? ie a unfilled line/box will pass as long as the digits 1 thru 9 don't appear more than once in the row/column/3x3.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Yes, 0 means it's unfilled. (i think) And, after repeating all these lines, my sense of math is a bit off. haha!

man I seriously thought there was 2 hours left. haha :facepalm:


Also its not just any square in top row.. there must be a box filled in one of the first 4.


Ok, so a five minute brute force check. It does the row/column traversal, but does not validate individual 3x3 grids

mov bl,[edx+0] ; a[0][0]
or bl,bl
jz @F ; skip empty
cmp bl,[edx+9] ; a[1][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+18] ; a[2][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+27] ; a[3][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+36] ; a[4][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+45] ; a[5][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+54] ; a[6][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+63] ; a[7][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+72] ; a[8][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+1] ; a[0][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+2] ; a[0][2]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+3] ; a[0][3]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+4] ; a[0][4]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+5] ; a[0][5]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+6] ; a[0][6]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+7] ; a[0][7]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+8] ; a[0][8]
jz fail
mov bl,[edx+1] ; a[0][1]
or bl,bl
jz @F ; skip empty
cmp bl,[edx+10] ; a[1][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+19] ; a[2][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+28] ; a[3][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+37] ; a[4][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+46] ; a[5][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+55] ; a[6][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+64] ; a[7][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+73] ; a[8][1]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+0] ; a[0][0]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+2] ; a[0][2]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+3] ; a[0][3]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+4] ; a[0][4]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+5] ; a[0][5]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+6] ; a[0][6]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+7] ; a[0][7]
jz fail
cmp bl,[edx+8] ; a[0][8]
jz fail
... crap the forum eats it, will attach

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


>> I'd probably use a C language app to generate the code stream
We already have a language above asm - macro  :wink

lea esi,Sudoku_Matrix

i = 0
repeat 9
j = 0
repeat 9
cmp byte ptr [esi+i*9+j],1
jb @@Fail
cmp byte ptr [esi+i*9+j],9
ja @@Fail
j = j + 1
i = i + 1

i = 0
repeat 9
xor eax,eax
j = 0
repeat 9
add al,[esi+i*9+j]
j = j + 1
cmp al,1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
jne @@Fail
i = i + 1

i = 0
repeat 9
xor eax,eax
j = 0
repeat 3
add al,[esi+(i/3)*9*3+j*9+0]
add al,[esi+(i/3)*9*3+j*9+1]
add al,[esi+(i/3)*9*3+j*9+2]
j = j + 1
cmp al,1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
jne @@Fail
i = i + 1

i = 0
repeat 9
xor eax,eax
j = 0
repeat 3
add al,[esi+0*3+j*3*9+(i/3)*9+(i mod 3)]
add al,[esi+1*3+j*3*9+(i/3)*9+(i mod 3)]
add al,[esi+2*3+j*3*9+(i/3)*9+(i mod 3)]
j = j + 1
cmp al,1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
jne @@Fail
i = i + 1

i = 0
repeat 9
push 0
push 0
push 0
j = 0
repeat 9
movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+i*9+j]
or byte ptr [esp+eax-1],1
j = j + 1
pop eax
pop edx
pop ecx
and eax,edx
cmp eax,01010101h
jne @@Fail
cmp ecx,01h
jne @@Fail
i = i + 1

i = 0
repeat 9
push 0
push 0
push 0
j = 0
repeat 3
movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+(i/3)*9*3+j*9+0]
movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+(i/3)*9*3+j*9+1]
movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+(i/3)*9*3+j*9+2]
or byte ptr [esp+eax-1],1
or byte ptr [esp+edx-1],1
or byte ptr [esp+ecx-1],1
j = j + 1
pop eax
pop edx
pop ecx
and eax,edx
cmp eax,01010101h
jne @@Fail
cmp ecx,01h
jne @@Fail
i = i + 1

i = 0
repeat 9
push 0
push 0
push 0
j = 0
repeat 3
movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+0*3+j*3*9+(i/3)*9+(i mod 3)]
movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+1*3+j*3*9+(i/3)*9+(i mod 3)]
movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+2*3+j*3*9+(i/3)*9+(i mod 3)]
or byte ptr [esp+eax-1],1
or byte ptr [esp+edx-1],1
or byte ptr [esp+ecx-1],1
j = j + 1
pop eax
pop edx
pop ecx
and eax,edx
cmp eax,01010101h
jne @@Fail
cmp ecx,01h
jne @@Fail
i = i + 1

mov eax,1

xor eax,eax
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Thanks. Now I'm ultra confused. haha! Why didn't my code work?