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The real truth about the rich and the poor

Started by anunitu, October 09, 2011, 04:53:45 PM

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I was thinking about the protests and the mood of the country as a whole. One fact always comes through,it isnt the system that fails us,it is the people that are drawn to power. Someone that has that drive to have power(money or control) is the last person we would want in charge. The trouble is those best suited to govern with an even hand and not exploit the masses,generally arn't drawn to positions of power.  There are exceptions,but mostly few and far between. The communist system ended up with people in power that exploited the people, and the people suffered greatly. Pure Capitalism also exploites the people,and the people suffer. I think perhaps nothing will really change,as it always is the ones in power will placete the people for a while,and then slowly return to exploiting the masses.
Iit is a sad fact that in a time we are on the verge of tech mastery and a chance for a real future utopia,our true nature will never alow such a thing.


Nothing to worry about.. Everything in the universe is in equilibrium  :wink


You know, I've seen this sentiment expressed in many published sources. It's so TRUE,... :eek
...And, I think it's a reasonable prediction to say,...that no assembly programmer on the planet has a lust for power, like the lust you see in the typical Republican,...

Quote from: VANJAST...Nothing to worry about.. Everything in the universe is in equilibrium,... :wink
You know, Vanjast, you definitely could have been a World Class Psychotherapist,...


Quote from: baltoro on October 10, 2011, 05:18:21 PM
...And, I think it's a reasonable prediction to say,...that no assembly programmer on the planet has a lust for power, like the lust you see in the typical Republican,...

Strange idea, after all, I chose Assembler because it gives me absolute control over my PC, it allows it to respond to my smallest whims whit speed and without error, and let me subvert  the OS by hooking services, and ports, and let me control with iron fist every aspect of its operation,

A republican had never dreamed whit this much power!!!!  :dazzled:  :dazzled: :eek  :eek

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Is interesting that the trait that gave us dominance over other species is the same trait that condemns us to treat each other badly.

We actively seek to get our desires, and if it means screwing up someone else to get them, so be it.

We also have a tribe mentality and look for leaders instead of trying to think for ourselves. Problem is that whoever does the thinking does so for their own good. Thus when following a leader, most people would get screwed one way or another. But, because of the trait, not following the herd means that you will always have to live in confrontation.

Growing up, for most people, means getting to be more and more submissive to a system in which they do not have any decision power. While getting old means realizing how much the system has screw you up.  Unfortunately, by the time you realize how docile you become, chances are you are too old to do anything about it so you opt to complain (which does nothing except making you feel better).

At the end, realize that there is moral obligation to follow rules that you have no saying on. So if the system works for you, great. If not, you have 3 choices. Try and change the system (good luck with that), Live outside the system (just make sure the system does not know it about it, otherwise it will actively seek to screw you up), or submit and become part of the herd.


Quote from: baltoro on October 10, 2011, 05:18:21 PM
You know, Vanjast, you definitely could have been a World Class Psychotherapist,...
I try my best..  :bg

Call me "'Doctor Farmer".. and I'll have my own tv show.  :eek


they could call it "The Doctor Is In"
you'd probably beat out oprah   :P