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Wall Street protesters gathering pace.

Started by hutch--, October 05, 2011, 09:12:07 PM

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It would seem that "Main Street" USA is starting to be heard even in spite of the wall of obstruction by both Wall Street and the US media. Having recently seen yet another documentary on how the sub-prime lending scam was sanitised through he insurance giant AIG to look like AAA rated investments that were in fact dangerous money losers that fleeced millions of ordinary Americans of their life savings, superannuation and so on, maybe we will get to see more criminals like Bernie Maddof getting dragged through the courts on their way to jail.

I am pleased to see Americans standing up for their rights after years of being shafted by this collection of greedy bastards lining their pockets and I hope the regulatory bodies that allowed it to happen go down with them.
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I have been watching this from the start,and was hoping it would grow,and it seems to be doing just that. If they find one leader with a powerful enough message that can't be co-oppted by the powers that be,or distoreted by the Media it may become something that can make the right kind of change. The problem with any movement is it "May" spark radicals into doing very negitive things. There are enough "Crazy" radicals here in this country that only see violance as a solution(like Tim Mcvigh(sp)). feelings are running very high,and when they said something about class warfare(the two partys) it may come to the point of actual Class warfare,and violance is NEVER a solution,it only makes things worse.



   According to some commentators, the lack of a leader is the protesters
strength.  If no one says something specific, you can't disagree.  Keep
it general and there are enough disgruntled people to join in.




Is better a decentralized organization (like Anonymous). Or like the guerrillas. If there is no head, an organization is more difficult to kill.

Is good that they are going against the Banksters. But The problem is more is more of globalization than in the Banksters. Globalization is condensing the wealth of the world on a few.

I hope not, but I fear that at the end this will end as it always ends. They give a cookie to the crowds who then disperse. Meanwhile things continue to be business as usual.

Did you know that thinks banks are holding thousands of properties without renting or selling them? The reason is so that property values remain artificially high. If they didn't receive the bail out, they couldn't do crap like this. Putting 99% of the population on wage slavery.

Bill Cravener

It took U.S. national news some three weeks before they got around to giving any attention to what's going on and it appears to be spreading across the country as well.

Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on October 06, 2011, 09:37:07 AM
It took U.S. national news some three weeks before they got around to giving any attention to what's going on and it appears to be spreading across the country as well.

Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011
I like one of the comments on that video:
"The French aristocrats did similar things. A year later they were facing the guillotine."

The only thing that can counter greed is fear. Unless this people face fear, nothing will change.

And why should they change, they can do anything and if things go tough, daddy government will save them. Plus they get the police (paid by the workers) on their side.

Then again, the king of France also have the police on their side.

History have shown that the police is there to protect the establishment and not to protect the people. Irrelevant if the establishment is on the side of justice or not. They will protect whoever is in power, irrelevant if its Jesus or Satan. And in a world that money is king, police will protect whoever controls the money.

A pity there is no FDR on the presidency. It would be interesting to see the military protect the people from the police once more.


cops are having a hard time making ends meet, too
it will be interesting to see how things go, knowing they are likely to be sympathetic with the protesters   :P


I have noticed the difference in media coverage from one country to another. The protests have been getting reasonably good coverage in the local OZ and UK media but I bothered to have a look at CNN and they were trying to downplay the protests without particularly reporting the grievances that the protesters have. Lets hope someone is sharpening the guillotine blade now unless it works better to have it blunt, jagged and messy.  :P
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that's because ted turner is one of the rich fuks that doesn't want it to get coverage   :bg


Nah, too much entertainment on TV for people to really revolt.

As long as people have a happy place to go, the majority will not revolt. Entertainment is the reason that people on today's USA allow more abuses than the ones that they had on 1776. Cut cable and you will have the recipe of a revolution. Which is angry people with too much time on their hands and little to lose.

This can be fixed by just legislation. Some examples:

  • Double the tax for properties that have not being used or rented over a year. This would force banks to either sell them or rent them.
  • Instead of taxing income based on work more than income base on gambling (err, investment), do the opposite make the people that are actually working pay less taxes than the people that are just gambling.
  • Offer an armistice to people that have too much student loans debt. (You cannot declare bankruptcy, thus you are basically condemned to be a wage slave).  Basically free their interest until they can find a job. Right now you need to have your payments on time in order to qualify for this.
  • Create public hospitals to server those who cannot afford health insurance. BTW: This is a lot cheaper than the proposed Obama care that will just higher the price of health. I know, we had this system in Puerto Rico for decades, and we change to the stupid card system. Now everything is more expensive for everyone.
  • On those public hospitals, allow doctors to work under the hospital insurance with a limited liability (thus getting legal predators out of the equation). If malpractice is an issue, make it punishable by time in prison instead of lawsuits. (thus lousy doctors get out of the equation).
  • Foment cooperatives instead of corporations.


sounds nice
but, i don't know of any legislatures that would push something like that through



   A "Talk of the Nation" segment that discusses the (among
other things) the media's response.  Snarky was one comment.

Occupy Wall Street

   Hope you enjoy.


Steve N.


Quote from: dedndave on October 06, 2011, 09:47:53 PM
sounds nice
but, i don't know of any legislatures that would push something like that through
You are right.

I always felt that the voting system need a "None of the above" place to check. And if the majority vote none of the above, new elections need to be made with none of the candidates presented.

A second alternative would be have a +1 and -1 for each candidate. Thus for every +1 you get one vote. For every -1 you loose a vote.

At the end the main problem of democracy is that the vote of a fool have the same weight as the vote of the informed. Thus the fools with tribe mentality will always be the one that decide to elect people that do not give a shit about them.


QuoteAt the end the main problem of democracy is that the vote of a fool have the same weight as the vote of the informed.
Thus the fools with tribe mentality will always be the one that decide to elect people that do not give a shit about them.

that's part of the deal called "freedom"
otherwise, we'd be arguing over who decides who is informed and who isn't
not only do we have the freedom of speach and the power to vote, but we have the right to be stupid, too   :P


I guess we can all agree that assembler programmers should have ten votes or so. Except for the trolls, of course :8)