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Directory tree delete

Started by hutch--, October 24, 2005, 05:51:34 AM

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I have needed a tool like this ever since the old DOS DELTREE was not included in later windows versions. This version is intentionally writen so it will not delete a root direcory just as a safety margin but it is still a very dangerous tool in that it will take out entire directory trees.

Be careful playing with this tool as it can trash a large amount of a HDD very quickly, I did the testing on seperate partitions where there was nothing important to delete but if you have a machine that only has a single partition, exercise caution.

[attachment deleted by admin]
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This also works.. :bdg
rd somedir /s /q
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


You only need the /s, /q is quiet mode but it assumes cmd.exe and running the capacity from the console. This one is a useful toy that is easy enough to code into an application that has for instance an uninstall to perform.
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