Please I need help printing root directory

Started by laina, May 23, 2005, 06:29:53 PM

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Hello can anyone help me here I need a macro that reads the root directory and prints the nonempty values:

Problem statement:
Develop and test a program to read the boot sector of a floppy disk, print the significant parameters therein, find the root directory and print its nonempty entries.  You will need to use the BIOS system calls INT 13H, function 02H (Read a disk sector) and int 21H function 09H (output a string).  You should not be using the open file, etc. system calls.  Note that I will furnish a test disk at the happy hour.  Part of the fun is finding the information – all of you know how to surf.  Your report should include links or book references (complete library citation, it's time you learned) to any information source you use.

:U :U :U :U


Hi laina,

welcome in here.

First of all please check this out:
Second thing: Cross posting isn´t a good idea.

If you want somebody to do that task for you you may as well wait till green turns red...

Anyway, a google search brought me to this site for starters:

Show up with some code and we will help you fix things if needed.
Please don´t post code you just ripped off some sites or we will have Hutch after you... :wink
Ask specific questions and you maybe will get an answer.

Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.--Plato
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


Check the sites I posted in your other thread.

Also why would you want a macro to do this?


I have removed the code that Michael very generously provided because laina needs to learn to do his own work

(sorry Michael :)

- sluggy
eschew obfuscation


you are obviously not too good at reading, you have broken a couple of fundamental rules here:
- you have posted the same question more than once
- you have asked for homework to be done for you

Do we get the mark if we do the homework and you hand it in claiming it is your own?
Feel free to post again when you have more specific questions. And make sure you read the rules before you make your next post.