PLease Help I do not know what to write in a macro for finding nonempty values

Started by laina, May 23, 2005, 06:36:30 PM

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Please I need help with this one :
Problem statement:
Develop and test a program to read the boot sector of a floppy disk, print the significant parameters therein, find the root directory and print its nonempty entries.  You will need to use the BIOS system calls INT 13H, function 02H (Read a disk sector) and int 21H function 09H (output a string).  You should not be using the open file, etc. system calls.  
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Read this to learn about writing assembly code.
Read this to learn about the interrupts you need to use.
Read this to find out about how the FAT12 filesystem works.

You should now have all the knowledge you need. Have a go at making the program and if you have any problems after that, then post the faulty code and we will help you to fix it.


There isa RULE here against doing other people's HOMEWORK!
Take care...

However IF you ready to make a decent effort into doing it yourself we are here to help ;)

Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.


Right, good call. But if he/she does actually make that effort and is still stumped Ill even help if I can. I know how hard assembly can be  :dazzled: