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Custom MessageBox Button Text

Started by dedndave, August 16, 2011, 11:16:09 PM

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GetTextExtentPoint32 gets me a string height - maybe i can work with that...

found it...

thanks, guys   :P



A normal edit control does the job for just plonking text into a control but if you want more formatting options, use a rich edit 2 or later control, you can easily control many more things.
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it's not "what i can do" with the control that i am trying to learn  :bg
i am figuring out how text of different fonts is rendered in a static control
i have to know how it works in order to take a specified string and know how large to make the static
i have a pretty good "handle" on it, now
it always comes down to messing with fonts - lol - hate the damn things
there is too much stuff to know that i didn't want to know about   :bg

simply put...
the caller gives me a string
the OS gives me a font and pitch
i have to figure out what dimensions are required for the static control   :P
(and, if it's a long string, how to break it up into lines)


part of my learning process
i think it's a bug that the larger font returns true for Italics when it is not
if it really were an italic font, the overhang would be non-zero

the attached file is the above PNG image renamed to ZIP