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Image button demo.

Started by hutch--, August 08, 2011, 01:40:36 AM

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works here, Yves

those are the CommonControl versions that i have


Here is the source code
Added code to test version of dll


i am learning that it doesn't always help to see the source   :lol


i am learning that it doesn't always help to see the source   

The source code of the windows has been tested here a number of time.That is what I call learn something.
It is good,I keep it and I re-use it.
Many details (styles,extended styles,functions,proc ..) can change if you create your code at each time you need it.
It is what is missing in the masm32 package , some good code to made a good window at the fist time.
What i call a good code,is a code modify and  tested further times.
The question is how learn something when all is changed at each time ???


i wasn't refering to the code so much, Yves
i was refereing to the use of French for function and variable names   :bg
i can only imagine how hard it must have been for you to learn the API
it's ok if full words are used, like "CreateWindow" - at least you can split that one up and use google translate   :P
but, i often use shortened words in function and variable names, like "MkBgImg" or something   :'(

Hutch has a tool that he has posted under the names "CodeGen" and "ProStart"
as you mentioned, it would be cool if it used external text files to build from
that way, you could modify them as time goes on and make improvements or get different window types, styles, and so on
i guess you really don't need a program for that - just start a collection

when i first started learning GUI programming, i used those programs, along side Iczelion's tutorials
they did help me learn a lot   :U


Templating systems that are configurable are technically trivial to make but are a disaster for people who do not understand the code in detail. The two code generators in MASM32 are binary files to ensure that the written code cannot be messed up. The later scripting engine in QE is easily capable of producing complete working templates including the binary files like icons and toolbar bitmaps but I don't think many have bothered as it involves learning how to use the scripting engine language.
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hmmmm - that sounds interesting
i may have to look into it   :U


I've been messing around with that, but editing the template result in a big way.
Maybe it might be an idea to further advance the template with regard to the visual I/F...
- including the resource editor, icon/bmp editor for toolbar and app icons..

Just an idea


The later scripting engine in QE is easily capable of producing complete working templates including the binary files like icons and toolbar bitmaps but I don't think many have bothered as it involves learning how to use the scripting engine language.
The more simple way is to copy the files from one folder to another.NO SCRIPT and the files in the folder can be easily modify if needed.



The script is much faster, names everything correctly and dumps it where you want.
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The script is much faster, names everything correctly and dumps it where you want
In this case,a tool to made a script with  the files project in a directory could be useful.
I think it isn't too much hard to do and useful.