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Another reason I now hate insurance companies

Started by Gunner, July 27, 2011, 01:01:48 PM

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The Zadroga bill was passed in the US back in January, which meant that the first responders medical bills would be paid..  WAIT... Dr. Howard now says that cancer will not be on the list of illnesses covered!  WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?!?!  How many more first responders have to die of VERY RARE cancers?  Nah, the rare cancers could not possible be cause by the heavy concentrations of mercury released from bulbs,  or asbestos in some tiles that were disintegrated, ALL of the pulverized concrete and sheetrock that contained silica, never mind all the other toxins... what about the fact those guys absorbed through their skin, and inhaled so much crap in a matter of days, that most guys in the construction industry do from years of work?

Why is cancer off the list?  My first guess.... probably right too, is greedy insurance companies...  their lobbyists probably paid A LOT of money to these health organizations and politicians (but they don't have much to do with this part, the doctor decides what gets covered)

Just irks me, no pisses me off that these people are gonna get the shaft just like vets do... HEY, WELCOME TO LIFE IN AMERICA... no, no... let me change that to - CORPORATE AMERICA  fuckin shame
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor

Bill Cravener

Lets not forget Gunner it was our government that passed the Zadroga bill. Wouldn't it be grand if all our scumbag politicians came down with some deadly cancer? As awful as it sounds I'd grin with glee if they did. I also read that the bill requires that all patients must be screened to see if they are terrorists first before getting any kind of treatment. Bastard scumbag politicians, all of them!!

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on July 27, 2011, 01:42:58 PM
Lets not forget Gunner it was our government that passed the Zadroga bill. Wouldn't it be grand if all our scumbag politicians came down with some deadly cancer? As awful as it sounds I'd grin with glee if they did. I also read that the bill requires that all patients must be screened to see if they are terrorists first before getting any kind of treatment. Bastard scumbag politicians, all of them!!

Yes they did, in Dec, at the LAST minute after all the other bills were done, kinda like an after thought.

If the politicians got cancer, they would get treatment like nobody else can and would get cured.

I do agree that no terrorists should "jump in line" to claim they were injured and get money... nope shouldn't happen.  They are going to end up treating these people like cattle....  They will keep dragging their feet on what condition should be in the list, because the more people that die, are less for them to pay for treatment.
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


The main reason that I hate Insurance companies, is that there has been such an enormous amount of fraud and consequent litigation,...from the very beginning.   
Years ago, I read a series of books by: Gerry Spence that completely alterted by perspective of corporate fraud and litigation.
Spence started out as an Insurance Company claims adjuster after graduating from the University of Wyoming Law School. After a few years of working for the Insurance Industry, he realized that fraud was endemic within the industry, so, he switched sides, and, started winning huge judgements and settlements for his clients. In the Insurance industry, it was common practice to deny legitimate claims (particularly of their poorer clients, who could not afford to hire an attorney) because most policy holders are reluctant to sue. Spence knew this, and was able to convince people with valid policies and legitimate claims that they could sue successfully.
His earlier books were a fascinating study in the tactics that a defense attorney utilizes in court to successfully wage war against the big corporations.
After winning a number of precedent setting cases, he went on to defend some very high profile cases, probably the most famous of which was the Imelda Marcos corruption case.
If you're ever falsely accused of murder, you should read: "The Smoking Gun",...

And, the Insurance industry has control of vast assets: the United States premiums paid by families and companies each year for financial security and for business risk reduction are a significant proportion of GDP. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, in 2008, Life and Health insurers collected $788 billion in premiums (although a significant portion of this reflects investment rather than insurance), while Property Casualty companies received $495 billion, for a total of $1.28 trillion or 9.0% of 2008's nominal GDP of $14.29 trillion.
Which is why Federal legislation regulating Insurance industry assets is necessary.


I would rather spend the money on ME than pay for insurance premiums. They always take the money but are very hard to get anything back from them.

Funny about working in dust, I did it most of my life, in my trade and later in my business. I have absorbed some trillions of times the lifetime allowance of most of the common metals as i ran my own metal polishing business where you lived in a cloud of metal dust for years. Aluminium seeks to be OK, anything with copper in it makes you a bit sick but you seem to get over it. Some copper alloys have toxic oxides that can leave you a bit queezy for a couple of days. probably what helped me was I smoked 2 packets of Chesterfields a day and was used to living in dust where you breath differently.

RE: The political comments, once you get the idea that there is an "elite" that just don't care about normal people, the sh*t going down will make sense. The same people who PHUKED over the US economy at the end of the Bush regime and who are trying to force the credit default at the moment are the ones with the elitist view that they matter and you don't.

Now you should understand the French revolution and why they cut their heads off.  :P
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Bill Cravener

Quote from: hutch-- on July 28, 2011, 02:26:27 AM
Now you should understand the French revolution and why they cut their heads off.  :P

Oh if we only could, I'd gladly pull the lever!! I would so greatly enjoy see their bloody heads roll !!

The stipulation that before you can receive treatment the FBI must first verify that you are not a terrorist? Come on!! Meanwhile you are sick and getting sicker until the FBI says yep you're not a terrorist. It's absurd, what are the odds that a terrorist is going to get in line for treatment? This country is run and controlled by greedy morons.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat