Giving arguments to DriverEntry from Usermode program

Started by white scorpion, May 21, 2005, 03:45:10 PM

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The Dude of Dudes

White Scorpion,

Also, take a look at the file functions. The function names give a clue as to what the function does. Search the web for info on params and usage.

white scorpion

Thanks DoD,

that list from msdn might indeed be useful only it still isn't what i meant... perhaps once i get the hang of it i will create my own database of API's usable in KM.


A fellow named Leo wrote several really neat hacks for the Amiga back in the late 80's. In reference to changing the bsod to different colors you could do something similar to what he did:

   Get a pointer to the full screen buffer for the system.
   Make another identical buffer and copy the original or create your own bsod with advertising or your own info
   Place your screen buffer in front of the actual system screen buffer with no transparency.
   Then when the mouse is moved or a key is pressed switch back to the actual screen and cleanup.

His hacks were really inspiring!

  Melt:        made it look your screen was melting from the top down.
  Tilt:          displayed created pinball like firewords then displayed the Amiga "Enter Kickstart Disk" equivalent of the bsod if my memory serves correctly.
  Robotroff: created a transparent screen to place in front of the system screen and ran like a TSR would under dos. After a few minutes one of many various little robots with varying personalities would appear on the screen marching or flying toward your mouse pointer. When it got there it would start moving the pointer (by simulating the input events from the mouse and moving along with it) to the nearest margin of the screen.

I think the same could probably be accomplished on Windows although I am not certain of that. It requires the ability to safely switch your screen buffer with the actual system screen ... or, to create a transparent overlay that can be placed in front of the system screen.

QuoteGood News from the Front

Leo Schwab, creator of Robotroff, Guru Meditation Number 49424D53.75636B73
(spell it out), and other marvelous Amiga hacks, brings us
news of -=RJ Mical's=- Latest Creation.  Take it away, Sir Schwab:

I spoke to -=RJ Mical=- this evening.  He is indeed a father.

The child's name is Alexander Joseph Mical.  No word yet on whether
or not it's surrounded by -= =-, or any other symbol.

-=RJ=- happened to mention in passing that they have the same middle
name.  "So from where did you derive Alexander?" I asked.

"Well, we wanted a conqueror......"

                                            Timothy Rue (AAi member)

Incidently, none of the things he did were malicious ... They were all just great and widely accepted hacks to inspire the imagination!

Here's a pointer to Leo's homepage:

white scorpion

Sounds interesting... I will search for more info on it.. Thanks Phil!