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Murder in the Good old USA

Started by shankle, July 05, 2011, 08:50:42 PM

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the issue would be "how do you define low-lifes"
also, people aren't always low-lifes by choice, it is thrust upon them
i can think of several rich basturds that shouldn't be allowed to reproduce - lol


DAVE !!!
...As always, identify the important central issue with total clarity,...and, a couple of lols,...
What we need is: an official Index of Darwinian Unworthiness,...could be administered like the proposed Carbon Cap,...which would create an entire industry of Unworthiness brokers,...
...And, all of us Low-Life's that lost our homes in the Global Mortgage Debacle of 2008,...would be back in business,... :eek

Bill Cravener

Some of use seem to be ignoring the fact that this pathetic excuse of a mother did not report her child missing for 31 days. That fact alone deserves many years in prison in my book!

Casey Anthony partied at nightclubs and remained outgoing after her 2-year-old daughter's death on June 16, 2008

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I wonder why she did it,...assuming that was the case,...

Bill Cravener

Once upon a time baltoro I was a young man and dated a few young girls who had a kid or two. Sometimes they would bitch about how having kids made it difficult for them to go out and enjoy life. I never spoke my mind at the time but I thought to myself why did you spread your legs in the first place if you didn't want children?

As a side note I went to the local grocery store this afternoon and I seen a young lady there with a four or five year old toddler. Mom had her tied with a five foot leash that was attached to mom's waist. I guess that's the extreme opposite of that horrible women Casey Anthony.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on July 11, 2011, 07:08:51 PM
never spoke my mind at the time but I thought to myself why did you spread your legs in the first place if you didn't want children?

By the same reason WE want them to spread their legs, in the first place!!!! because is fun , and because our deepest instincts want us to do it.  now, on this day, any woman can have ALL the sex she want and not have children, but an hormone  driven teenager, can't buy anticonceptives because its against the law and is a SIN, so, many girls get pregnant out of sheer stupidity of US, their parents, because we never teach them to have a responsible sexual life.

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I think I read somewhere that 40 % of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unmarried girls,...(this is an all-time high, totaling more than 1.6 million per year).

I have three sisters (all with kids),...and, when we get together at family reunions, they tell me that they don'y have lives anymore. I don't have kids, so, I just smile benevolently. One of my sisters is a Registered Nurse,...and, she developed an interesting approach towards teaching her kids about the facts of life: she teaches them as if they were medical students. She introduces them to the correct terminology, and, explains standard concepts of human anatomy and sexual devlopment in clear and accurate terms. And, both she and her husband treat them with complete honesty and trust, letting them know that their parents can always be relied on for compassion, truth, and understanding. This seems to have worked just like they expected it to. The kids are intelligent, well-adjusted, and, secure.
And,...they are hilarious. You wouldn't believe the kinds questions they ask.


Quote from: Bill Cravener on July 11, 2011, 02:18:43 PM
Quote from: KD8COO on July 11, 2011, 02:01:36 PM
Just makes people temporarily feel good for passing it but does nothing to solve the root problem.

Well, please enlighten us, how would you solve the root problem?

Unable.  I never said I had a solution for it.  However, I'm quite capable of recognizing when doing something is worse than doing nothing...


Quote from: anunitu on July 11, 2011, 04:27:49 PM
History forgotten is history repeated.

So society is supposed to forget about Casey Anthony's history here and let her have another child? How responsible is that?
eschew obfuscation


Something I leant a long time ago, having kids is a melodrama for mothers in many instances and often the support around them is less than good. I go out of my way to compliment the mums in my area, take notice of the kids who are all little angels (like I was  :P) as it addresses something very basic, mums do a lot of work and carry many burdens and are often not appreciated for it and feel they have no support. A few people around them who tell them they are doing something important that other people notice helps them handle the huge demands that kids place on them.

On the up side I know every good looking blonde, brunette and redhead in the area (under 5 years old), have been beaten up by the odd 5 year old and commiserate with the fathers. It takes little effort and you help overworked mums to better handle the load.
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i saw your post baltoro - lol
she won't need Flynt's money after the book deal and the movie deal


...Yeah,...Dave,...(Man,...Dave's fast,...isn't he ???)
That one was too decadent even for me. Had to delete it.   
Heck, I have to suspect that,...even, Charlie Sheen probably vomitted on the couch,... :eek