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Started by hfheatherfox07, July 17, 2011, 02:12:54 AM

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HI I love using the bin2db tool from the MASM32 package.... I have used it for many things including converting .xm music files and playing them , I know this is done a lot with MASM  , nut I am not sure how to .... ?

I would like to include both pictures (.bmp, jpeg) and (animated .gif using the ANIGIF.lib) as  binary db any body seen this before?

for example converting an xm file  to .inc all you have to add in it is the word "table" infront of the db

table db 045h, 078h, 074h, 065h, 06Eh, 064h, 065h, 064h, 020h, 04Dh, 06F

Than in the data section:

include music/
XMSize equ $ - table

And to play the song:

; Initialize play Music
INVOKE uFMOD_PlaySong,addr table,XMSize,XM_MEMORY

How would I do this with .gif's, .bmp,'s, and .jpg's ?

any thoughts?


off the top of my head, use the fda2 tool from hutch, it will create an object file that you link to you your exe. it will give you a label name also to use...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


Hi gunner I am ware of that option ... I have image which has all those examples and include files... bmpfrommemory.asm, but I am looking to use it as an include only right in the asm source no obj ! right from the bin2db tool:(


If the image is going to be of any real size, the FDA method is better suited as static data as it write the data directly to an object module rather than have MASM assemble the data first. Bin2DB is a bit more flexible as it can be included as either DATA or CODE. Bitmaps can just be included as resources but GIF and other image formats need to be converted to bitmap to display them.
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Thanks Hutch For clarifying that,
I think what confused me is a Delphi example that I saw when I looked inside it there were no pictures just forms with what looked like data similar to what Bin2db does....


Though I am not sure they put out the source code,this example from the DEMO scene does a major graphic and sound demo in only 64k.

I played with this a few years back,and it is very impressive. You can create a wave file from the output,and it is very large.

Everything is created on the fly.

Link to the Demo below.


Quote from: anunitu on July 17, 2011, 03:32:33 PM
Though I am not sure they put out the source code,this example from the DEMO scene does a major graphic and sound demo in only 64k.

I played with this a few years back,and it is very impressive. You can create a wave file from the output,and it is very large.

Everything is created on the fly.

Link to the Demo below.

Is there a source code somewhere there or are you just posting an app for something?


Not my Demo,and it was done on 2000..I wish they would put out the source..seems all DEMO's are done in assembler. Cutting edge stuff.