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Treason and Corruption in The United States

Started by Twister, July 14, 2011, 10:38:31 PM

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Please boot these scumbags out of this great country. :'(

Edit: If the patrols are taking this money just because they aren't being paid enough, then US should give pay raises. But kick the offenders out, raise up the wages, then get new people.

I have solved a growing crisis. You can thank me later. :8)

Bill Cravener

It's like I said in another thread give Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California back to the Mexicans.

Seriously though, if the a-holes that make laws in this country would simply legalize pot much of this would go away. Just think of the tax dollars the feds could collect on the legal sale of marijuana.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on July 15, 2011, 11:12:23 AM
It's like I said in another thread give Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California back to the Mexicans.

¡¡¡OH NO!!!  ¡¡¡No way!!! when USA got these lands, it got them full ... err, scarcely populated, with god loving, hard working people, and what will we get now? Texans had their heads bigger than their state,  :toothy  :toothy  Californians.... well the lees said about them the better  :bdg  :bdg (Arizonan and New Mexican are trigger happy, but once they run out of ammo, they are nice people  :bg  :bg) so no, You raise'em, you Keep'em. (unless you give back ONLY the land). :U  :U  :U

In a serious tone, Bill, you are rigth, the "war on drugs" reminds me the war on Alcohol of the prohibition,  once Alcohol was legalized, the gangs had to do other things,  the problem is, drug traffic is a HUGE bussines,  and the corruption net is bigger and deeper that we believe. and that's one of the reasons drugs is still illegal, and won't be legalised in the near future.


P.S. DISCLAIMER!!!! my words about Texans and Californians, are to be taken as a Joke, I had many Texans friends, and are excellent people, and the love of my life was (still is) a California girl..
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This isn't about legalizing harmful drugs or giving land to Mexico (land which they do not deserve!!!!) and why would you give them land back? :snooty:

This about corrupt agents on the border that are turning a blind eye to "goods" passing through. And arming and supplying the cartels and gangs with weapons and ammunition? That is as good as treason! They have BETRAYED the country!

EDIT: Also note that giving any of the southern states to Mexico would be an terrible and idiotic idea. "Mexico sold the land to usa in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase. The exception to that is Texas and of course there was a war fought over that and the land was relinquished when that was over."


Illegal immigrants are less than 5% of the Population yet they make up 22% of all federal prison inmates (28% if you include Immigration offences) That is a very disproportionate rate, they have no respect for our Laws, that is why they are commiting violent crimes rapes, murder, forgery, conspiracy, human slavery, drug dealing, gang activities, and etc at a rate  that is four times higher than American citizens! They cost Legal Citizens between 113 to 350 BILLION a year in money that should have been spent on us and OUR children. They are responsible for a minimum of 86 Hospitals going out of business, economic chaos in the border states and a host of disease being spread that were formerly wiped out. They cost in Human Life alone is good enough for me that we should halt this invasion now. These (workers) you so fondly speak of are nothing more than criminals who have broken into our homes to steal as much as they can get.

Bill Cravener

Whats a matter Horton, you need to lighten up just a bit. Giving those states back was a joke for christ sakes! As to illegals, stop the phuking farmers and contractors from hiring the illegals then there would be no reason for them to come here. Of course I don't much care for paying even higher prices for my fruit and vegetables that illegals pick for practically nothing in wages. Another thing, our prisons are over crowded from people being arrested on drug charges that are often simply pot related crimes.

We have very little problems with illegals here in PA so I don't much give a damn about you border states. On the other hand, I still stand by my statement, legalize pot and the arms problem will go away, at least much of it would.

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


FUNNY !!! :eek
In the back of my mind,...I always conceived of the Mexican-American War, as just a couple hundred armed men on horseback taking an enormous amount of essentially unoccupied land,...that, in retrospect,...seems like the biggest ouitright theft of all time. (The annexed territories, were comparable in size to Western Europe.)


Quote from: baltoro on July 15, 2011, 08:42:34 PM
FUNNY !!! :eek
In the back of my mind,...I always conceived of the Mexican-American War, as just a couple hundred armed men on horseback taking an enormous amount of essentially unoccupied land,...that, in retrospect,...seems like the biggest ouitright theft of all time. (The annexed territories, were comparable in size to Western Europe.)

You are essentially Right,  and the people in the north, had not a "patriotic" connection with the central power, they felt alone, and neglected, that's why nobody opposed Resistance when the US army arrived,  as a mather of fact, the strength of the army that took California was 250 men!!,  so these territories were usually unpopulated,  as a mater of fact, today the north estates, Coahuila (were I live) Chihuahua, Sonora, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas  and Baja California had the less population density of Mexico,  from the Mexico city point of view, we are the back yard, and are unimportant.   TODAY!!!
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There is a whole industry based on laws that do more harm than good. And since most politicians are also liars, err lawyers., I would not hold my breath on this changing any time soon.

Think of it as a business. The less cases, the less money lawyers make and the less necesary are judges, cops, etc. Is an industry of billions. The criminal aspect is just one of them. Another one is tha patent and copyright office. If the laws where giving sensible time for patents and copyrights, then lawyers would not make millions on it. If the divorce laws where fair, then how will divorce lawyers live.

Is a tipical case of conflict of interests. The good of the people is against the good of the legal industry. And thus, again since most politicians are also lawyers, this won't change unless there is a new revolution. Which I again wouldn't hold my breath on it, entertaintment is a very effective to numb indignation. And no country has better entertaintment than the USA.