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Started by bomz, June 20, 2011, 05:33:38 AM

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this work. but if in Item have 10 mb data this operation need the same size of memory


for ICON you simply set LVM_SETITEMPOSITION , but for REPORT there is no any reasonable operation

May be HOOK use


as said, if you save the data as  a pointer, then their is no need to alloc an extra buffer.
In other word: save the clipboard data in an buffer (alloc()) and save the pointer in LVITEM.lParam. Create an second small buffer, and copy only the first bytes of the clipboard data (e.g. 260 bytes/characters). This Buffer then is passed in LVITEM.pszText.
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and what happens with LVITEM.lParam when List updated?

UpdatelParam proc uses edi

invoke SendMessage,hList, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0
mov edi,eax
mov lvi.imask,LVIF_PARAM
mov lvi.iSubItem,0
mov lvi.iItem,0
mov eax, lvi.iItem
mov lvi.lParam, eax
invoke SendMessage,hList, LVM_SETITEM,0,addr lvi
add lvi.iItem, 1
sub edi, 1
jnz @B

UpdatelParam endp


what do you mean with update? - I didn't understand the sense of shown code.
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after sorting list, ListView must Updated to show changes

Iczelion lesson 31 or C:\masm32\examples\exampl06\listview


sry, I don't now for what the lParam is used in Iczelion tutorial - it is userdefined value, that can be used for whatever purpose: my suggestion is to use it for storing buffers pointer.
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I think that if I store point to clipboard memory in it, after changing clipboard data this memory free

    Type: LPARAM

    Value specific to the item. If you use the LVM_SORTITEMS message, the list-view control passes this value to the application-defined comparison function. You can also use the LVM_FINDITEM message to search a list-view control for an item with a specified lParam value.


Quote from: bomz on June 22, 2011, 11:27:02 PM
I think that if I store point to clipboard memory in it, after changing clipboard data this memory free
surly not! Except that your comparison function, or some other code, overwrite this value...
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
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hm. this method need one else table. ListView - is table.
The sort message may changes places of Items - how it do this....


if you need more than one value (LVITEM.lParam) per item, then use a structure and associate it as a pointer through LVITEM.lParam.

(BTW: a linked list comes surly more closer to how an listview is implemented)

FPU in a trice: SmplMath
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