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Had a good laugh this morning :)

Started by vanjast, June 09, 2011, 06:21:24 AM

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My 13yr boy walks into the room and asks me... "Dad, what is a 'kickback' " ?
I then proceed to explain the ANC gov, the Bush and Chaney thing.. to name a few..

He then says.. "OH!, I used it in my EMS (Economic Management Science) project"
I'm intrigued.. "How did you use it "...curiosity is killing me!!

"I explained how my company would make large profits, and then use the profits for 'kickbacks'.. "
"You'll do well as a government employee, even be our president one day"
He thought a kickback was a salary (Well!! it could be)

The wife and eldest walk into the room wondering what the chaos is, only to see an old and young man rolling on the floor in stitches...
He got 80% for that project...WHAT!! are they teaching our kids ??



This explains why your kids decode reality so quickly,...they get their sense of humor from you and your wife. :bg
...In constrast, my Dad,...who was serious alcoholic had almost no sense of humor.
One of my most memorable experiences when I was at that impressionable age was my Dad's hit-and-run explanation of the 'birds and the bees',...
I got the 25 words or less version,...with almost no useful inforamtion,...and, a lingering sense of horror,...
I think the only thing that saved me from extensive jail time, and years of therapy, was the fact that I had a string of girlfriends in my adolescent/high school years that  were absolutely wonderful.