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Started by bomz, May 04, 2011, 08:21:43 PM

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...Ah, are testing for a valid handle now,...much better. Does it work?
The reason I ask that question is that, the HWND you obtain from FindWindowEx can only be used by that process.


invokeĀ  GetWindowThreadProcessId,extra.Wnd,IEID

Yes it work OK.


Ok,...well, then, I must be confusing you at this point.
You run this app with Administrative Privileges ???


yes administrator - my computer

invoke  RtlAdjustPrivilege,13h,1h,0h,esp - ??????????????? need


first create USER - not administrator on my PC. my application absolutly not working.

as for determine tray icon position - this work OK

PS problem was with access to file from old adminidtrator USER directory . all work OK.


Are there any legitimate reasons for making a tooltip/balloon/notification appear as though it came from a program other than your own?
The only ones I can think of involve a trojan spoofing information to the effect of "fake update available, click here to download and install your new malware" or similar.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Tray Icon - this is button of explorer, other application


hey Bomz

I found This i Hope it help

; FileName: TrayIcon.asm
;   Function: Demo the way to enum the icons in system tray
;       Author: Purple Endurer | 紫郢剑侠㊣ (
;     DevEnv: Win2000 pro SP4, MASM32 v8
;  log
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 2007-09-29  Can run under Win XP
; 2007-09-22  Created!

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include \masm32\include\

include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib

GetSysTrayToolBarHandle proto
EnumSubCtl proto :HWND, :LPARAM
GetSysTrayIconCount proto
EnumSysTrayIcon proto

g_szAppName db "EnumSysTrayIcon", 0
g_szTaskBarCls db "Shell_TrayWnd", 0
g_szSysPagerCls db "SysPager", 0    ;WinXP need!
g_szTrayNotifyWndCls db "TrayNotifyWnd", 0
g_szToolbarWindow32Cls db "ToolbarWindow32", 0
g_szFailGetSysTray db "Fail to get system tray!", 0
g_hSysTray      HANDLE ?
g_dwTrayIconCount dword ?
g_stTbButton TBBUTTON <>
g_szIconText db MAX_PATH dup (?)

invoke GetSysTrayToolBarHandle
test   eax, eax ; .if  eax==NULL
.if ZERO?
    invoke MessageBox, NULL, addr g_szFailGetSysTray, addr g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR
    mov     g_hSysTray, eax
    invoke EnumSysTrayIcon
invoke ExitProcess,NULL

; Function: Get the handle ToolbarWindow32 of in system tray
;           Shell_TrayWnd -> TrayNotifyWnd -> (WinXP:SysPager) -> ToolbarWindow32
;    Onput: if  fail eax=NULL, else eax = handle
GetSysTrayToolBarHandle proc
   ;--- Get the handle of task bar
   invoke FindWindow, addr g_szTaskBarCls, NULL
   cmp     eax, NULL
   je         @GetSysTrayToolBarHandleRet ; fail

     ; HWND FindWindowEx(
     ;     HWND hwndParent,    // handle to parent window
     ;     HWND hwndChildAfter,    // handle to a child window
     ;     LPCTSTR lpszClass,    // pointer to class name
     ;     LPCTSTR lpszWindow    // pointer to window name
     ; );

    ;--- Get the handle of TrayNotifyWnd in task bar
    invoke FindWindowEx, eax, NULL,  addr  g_szTrayNotifyWndCls,   NULL
    cmp    eax, NULL
    je         @GetSysTrayToolBarHandleRet

    ;--- (WinXP Only) Get the handle of g_szSysPager in TrayNotifyWnd
    push eax
    invoke FindWindowEx, eax, NULL,  addr  g_szSysPagerCls, NULL
    .if    (eax==NULL)
        pop eax
        pop edi

    ;--- Get the handle of ToolbarWindow32 in TrayNotifyWnd
    invoke FindWindowEx, eax, NULL,  addr  g_szToolbarWindow32Cls,   NULL

GetSysTrayToolBarHandle endp

; Function: Enum the Child window in task bar
EnumSubCtl proc proc  hWnd: HWND, lParam: LPARAM
    invoke GetClassName, hWnd, addr g_szIconText, sizeof g_szIconText
    invoke MessageBox, NULL, addr g_szIconText, addr g_szIconText, MB_OK

    mov     eax, TRUE
EnumSubCtl endp

; Function: Get the count of icon in system tray
GetSysTrayIconCount proc
    invoke SendMessage,g_hSysTray, TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0
    mov     g_dwTrayIconCount, eax   
GetSysTrayIconCount endp

; Function: Enum the icon in system tray
EnumSysTrayIcon proc
    local dwProcID, dwReaded: dword
    local hProcess: HANDLE
    local pMem: dword

    invoke GetSysTrayIconCount

    invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId, g_hSysTray, addr dwProcID
    mov    hProcess, eax
    invoke VirtualAllocEx, hProcess,  NULL, 1024, MEM_RESERVE or MEM_COMMIT,  PAGE_READWRITE
    mov    pMem, eax

    xor      eax, eax
    .while (eax < g_dwTrayIconCount)
        push   eax

        invoke SendMessage, g_hSysTray, TB_GETBUTTON, eax,  pMem
        invoke ReadProcessMemory, hProcess, pMem, addr g_stTbButton, sizeof g_stTbButton,  addr dwReaded

        invoke SendMessage, g_hSysTray, TB_GETBUTTONTEXT, g_stTbButton.idCommand,  pMem

        inc       eax  ; If fail, the return value is  -1
        jz         @F   ; Fail, skip

        invoke ReadProcessMemory, hProcess,  pMem,   addr g_szIconText, sizeof g_szIconText, addr dwReaded
        invoke MessageBox, NULL, addr g_szIconText, addr g_szAppName, NULL
        pop      eax
        inc       eax

    invoke VirtualFreeEx, hProcess, pMem,  0,  MEM_RELEASE
    invoke CloseHandle, hProcess

EnumSysTrayIcon endp

end start


Thanks, the example or code much effectively for understanding, than Microsoft English


I have this found by search Toolbar examples for my project :8)

I have not read all your post of this Thread, i hope you want an example to get the tray icon text
Need you an other example for manipulate the icons tell me i have found a good c++ tutorial




...I've got to learn Russian,..


May be somebody know - ToolBar, Tray, TrayIcon handles  may changes only if explorer reboot? or something else?