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Why is Libya being attacked ?

Started by hutch--, May 09, 2011, 07:18:26 AM

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I found this one today and while we are assured that the good guys are only killing Libyans to save them from the Kernelissimo, the money trail has that irritating habit of telling you something that others would not want you to know.

You can find more links by doing a Google search on "gaddafi gold dinar".
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Nice....remember guys, it's always been about money and the 'power' it brings, not patriotism, religion or anything else... just buckazoids!!.

Bill Cravener

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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

After reading this article its obvious, "the control of energy." America, EU and China. Theres a much bigger battle brewing up ahead!

As for Libya. The U.S. doesn't get oil from Libya, but its allies in Europe do. And the current crisis is African Command's (Africom) coming out party.

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


yah - our government tends to classify oil reserves as a matter of "national security"
those are the magic words that actually mean "we can do whatever the hell we want"




Last night I watched a detailed documentary on Gaddafi and it appears he was far more advanced at fighting terrorist groups like Al Qeuda than the west at the start of the so called war on terror. Now interestingly enough the local Libyan groups he was fighting to supress religious extremism were based around the eastern side of Libya in the area of Bengazi and guess who the EURO defending good guys are now backing ? Now fortunately Gaddafi has driven the rebellion into a stalemate which may give Europe some respite from Libyan Al Queda cells being armed by NATO so they can do to Europe what Bin Laden did to the US, turn on it and attack it.

There are multiple ironies here, the war on/of/against terror was supposed to be aimed at protecting the western countries from reprisals by pissed off islamic terrorist groups yet when it comes to serving the financial interests of European finance moguls in the respective London and Paris clubs, they will happily get into bed with whatever loonies serve their interests at the time with no grasp of the consequences.

Funny to think the the Kernelissimo is acting to protect Europe from its own financial moguls.  :P
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Poor old Ed looked like he was in trouble there. We tend to call folks like that a "bag of piss and wind".
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Anyway, I did not see kernel gaddafi anymore, could it be it was him?
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It is always easy to try to look for motives, there may be motives, there may not be but the attack was launched as a direct result of gadaffi threatening on public tv to annihilate his own people (without mercy).

You can't use other motives for attacking libya, this is what was the cause, this is why we are there, it happened when he made that speech, we're there to prevent him from doing that, this is why we are there.

I don't understand how people can look up other motives when the real motive is right before our eyes.

If there is a volcano eruption and half the world deside to stop air traffic due to danger of ash in the air, then they shut it down BECAUSE of the volcano, its that simple. How can you see things differently. You gotta see things for what they are. Don's mess things up, clutter it and look for other reasons. Air traffic was closed BECAUSE of the volcano. Its that simple.

Gadaffi threatened to murder his own people and so we reacted just at the time gadaffi gave that speech, and THAT is why we are there. Gadaffi threatened with mass murder, that is why we are there, mass murder, and we went along to prevent it.

Don't let insane thoughts spin, drop all theories, drop all conspiracy theories. Get real.
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.


Quote from: zemtex on May 11, 2011, 09:09:20 PM
Don't let insane thoughts spin, drop all theories, drop all conspiracy theories. Get real.


That's not going to happen here, the general consensus is that if the US is involved it can't possibly be to help someone and must always have some deeper conspiracy driving the decisions. We've lost members here because of the general anti-American flavor of the board and there are some who though they have not revoked their membership (or had it revoked for being too pro-American) do not visit us anymore, a sad commentary but the politics here are what they are. Take anything the US does and someone will find an obscure link to a b*llsh*t news blog that is run by some chronic bed wetter that shows how some secret society or oil money is the real motive. Personally I agree with you, this is a fairly straight forward effort to stop a leader who said "the streets will run red with blood" (well his son did).
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Does that mean you DID find Saddam's weapons of mass destruction or will you pay reparation to all of the innocent victims of the war of terror in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan ?

Tell us this much, how DID those Saudis magically teleport from the 9/11 planes back to Saudi Arabia just before contact ?  :P

Don't let insane thoughts spin, drop all theories, drop all conspiracy theories. Get real.
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