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Would you buy an Ipad 2 ?

Started by hutch--, May 09, 2011, 05:01:08 AM

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QuoteWould you buy an Ipad 2 ?

absolutely, positively no :P

i don't like the way apple try to control everything, stripping users and developers of their rights. some people like apples 'walled garden' approach, i'm not one of them.


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For a cheap and effective tablet, take a look at Barnes & Noble's Colour Nook device ($249). It's an Android WiFi tablet that can surf the web, handles Adobe PDF and Flash. Plays MP3's and while not entirely open, the upgrade firmware just released allows for a much more open system than the walled gardens everyone wants to erect.

Might be worth seeing how Amazon's next Kindle/Android offering will be priced when it is released, might shake up the tablet space quite significantly.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


It makes me sick how these workers are treated. I'm no human rights activist, but I will and do boycott products for these reasons.

I'd be happy to pay more for goods if it meant these people could live humanely. The people that think the way these people live in these places is humane, and use arguments like "it is better than unemployment" as some kind of excuse to treat them that way, need their arses kicking.


I will never buy an apple product, I like watching steve jobs but never had and probably never will be a fan of apple products. I never liked Steve Jobs that much. He is full of negative energy, jealousy, cheap, arrogant and he brags about that the world would be nothing without his invention of the graphical menu system.

Look at the man, have you ever seen him without jeans? Thats cheap. He does not show himself as the man he is, a rich man should at least wear suit once a week. What would you say to the garbage man if he came into your backyard to empty your garbage, wearing a suit. Does it fit him? Ofcourse not, he is not rich and should not wear a suit.
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.


Wow Zemtex... :eek.
The man's rich.. he can dress how he wants too. Bill Gates is not innocent either. I'd rather deal will an arrogant person that a 'slimey' character anyday.
Apple has a niche market and they do well in it and probably do better than MSoft.. otherwise they wouldn't be there.

I do not/never owned any apple product and never had the need too. For years I've done a lot of 'midnight reading' and an IPad (of sorts) would certainly be handy than sitting at a PC.

If you go back to about 1990, Intel had a picture of a person sitting, reading from an 'IPad' on their embedded processor databook. The idea's been around for yonks, and I'm surprised Bill Gates has never done anything about it, as MSoft and Intel were 'in bed' at one stage. For all his marketing he has missed out on this one, but maybe he's more interested in OS's



Quote from: carlos on May 10, 2011, 04:21:17 PM
... treated like slaves for generations, as the African American have been (and still are) discriminated in the USA, ...  that this had been done for centuries, didn't make it ethical, moral or "Normal"

They are not. The NAACP and related ilk keep perpetuating this myth. Where I live I am constantly bombarded with the white man is the devil crap. He is responsible for all our ills. Really ? His he respnsible for your daughter who almost killed a white girl ? Then the father gets on TV shouting "Why are you asking about the white girl I want to talk about my daughter !" . Of course we are going to talk about the white girl she's the VICTIM, your daughter and several other blacks kids tried to KILL HER. They can no longer see white people as the victim when the criminal (alleged or otherwise) is black.

I see more racist black people than white ones.
They don't want to work, don't go to school, want everything on a silver platter. They are killing each other in gang wars and say *WE* didn't give them any oppurtunities. Really ? Now the illegal mexicans are jumping on the same bandwagon.

I like working with African populations from the Caribean , they pulled that stick out of their asses long ago.

You don't see Native Americans bitching about being stuck on those reservations for the last what 300 years ? 500 years of raping, killing, looting and pillaging. Several tribes wiped out to extinction. And we still are discriminating against them.

My family immigrated after all this. But I am white so I guess it is still my fault.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
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Buried in the business section:

There is such a thing as Karma.  :U