Decompile a New Executable (NE) 16 bits

Started by linkou, May 11, 2011, 05:51:49 PM

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I am looking for a tool to decompile a NE in 16 bits ... (last modification of the EXE is 1995 ...)
I am quite young and recent tool like IDAor Win32DASM does'nt seems to work with it. Do you know (and where to download it) a tool that can help me?

I thought of BDASM but i can't find it...
Can I do it with MASM?

Any help will be appreciate ;)



Decompile / reversing is NOT allowed by this forum rules...

There are plenty of other forums for this kind of stuff on the internet.

Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.