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New Conspiracy Theory.

Started by hutch--, May 12, 2011, 02:45:16 AM

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Trump's hairdo: the secret is out

This is the lowdown of a Republican national assett and how the rest of the world is conspiring against him.
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:eek ...I STILL don't understand Australian humor,... :eek
:eek ...Regardless,...I'm hoping 'The Donald' (and his hair) will join forces with Newt Gingrich for an absolutely thrilling, evangelical Presidential campaign,... :eek


If the US electorate elect Trump, you will understand OZ humour.  :P
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good god
i doubt that trump will be elected
in fact, the "conspiracy" may be that he is going to take a fall so one of the other parties has a better chance - lol
the only sane people that will vote for him would be new yorkers (if you can classify them as sane)

Bill Cravener

Trumps lying about his comb-over Steve, here's the real man. He's quite the man, claims it was he that forced Obama to give out his long form birth certificate. What a clown, but a rich one. :bg

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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


that's the one thing he has going for him - his hair
oh - ok - two things - his daughter is kinda hot

anyways, ever since 1921, we have tended to elect the "best-looking" candidates
the ones that come across well on camera do well

when i see his hair, it makes me want to drive really fast with the top down - lol
...or maybe go skiing with no cap
but, women seem to like it - that could get him elected, i suppose

if i had his money, i could tell him how much he looks like an idiot   :P



Quote from: THE DAVE...good god,...

:eek ....I thought that was pretty funny,...we all know how understated Dave is,...that's his equivalent of what the rest of us would post in an all CAPITAL, 2048 point font,...with hundreds of angry, flaming exclamation marks,... :eek
I think American politicians have noticed that NOBODY'S ACTUALLY LISTENING TO THEIR SPEECHES. They could do the most bizarre shit imaginable, and still,...the vast majority of voters are going to vote Republican. There should be a brain-wave monitoring device installed in all voting boothes,...and, if the citizen flatlines,...their vote is disqualified.
...How else is it possible that George W. Bush (the Younger) got re-elected ???


i know...
probably the worst president in the history of our country, and he ran 2 terms
i blame it on the redneck bible-thumping masses of the south - and - oh, yah - let's not forget florida


Hi Dave,

   Tanks. :-(  We can't have geothermal power either.  And
you should see what we got in the last election (a disaster).


Steve N.


:eek In Anaheim, in Southern California. I can remember, as a kid seeing the animated robotic President Lincoln exhibit at Disneyland (this was thirty years ago, at least). It was extremely realistic, except that it didn't get up and jog around the room, or, kiss any babies. My step-father used to remark that Ronald Reagan was actually a sophisticated Disney robot. The technology that now exists is far superior, (and, PETER, will love this),...I am certain that the NSA has conducted numerous top-secret projects to prototype and advance the Presidential cyborg technology to the point that an intelligent robotic device would be accepted by American voters as a political God-send. :eek


i have seen ole Abe   :P
i used to work for a company out of Torrent - Airesearch - you may have heard of them
went to visit a few times
i liked the haunted house and pirates of the caribbean   :bg
that was back in the 80's - before the pirates movies

i also saw Abe in DC
that one didn't move, much


Quote from: dedndave on May 12, 2011, 10:54:05 PM
i have seen ole Abe   :P
i used to work for a company out of Torrent - Airesearch - you may have heard of them
went to visit a few times
i liked the haunted house and pirates of the caribbean   :bg
that was back in the 80's - before the pirates movies

i also saw Abe in DC
that one didn't move, much

Every time I see that statue, it somehow reminds me of a bathroom.