Problems with hla recognizing hlalib.a in mac os x

Started by RogerMx_1, June 11, 2011, 06:37:14 PM

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Hi I've installed every HLA file following the instruccions in webster in my mac and every time I try to compile somethig I get the following message:

ERROR! Could not locate the hlalib.a file.
Have you set the 'hlalib' environment variable properly?

I've tried everything, creating .bashrc, .profile and bash_profile and adding the following lines

                  export hlalib
                  export hlainc

but it doesn't change anything... any ideas?


try removing hlalib.a from the environment.




By the way, I still get the following messages at the end of the compilation:

ld: warning: -macosx_version_min not specificed, assuming 10.6
ld: warning: symbol dyld_stub_binder not found, normally in libSystem.dylib

    HLA Compilation Complete

Do you thing this might generate some conflict in the future? thx!


i can't say for sure since i'm not familiar with the mac.  the version conflict is no problem as far as i can see.  the missing symbol might be a problem in the future, you could try updating the "libSystem.dylib" file (but make a backup of it first).