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Create buffer divisible by 4

Started by Gunner, April 27, 2011, 12:22:56 AM

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By the time I get to coding, I am tired after a long day so the answer is not coming to me...

How would I create a buffer that is divisible by 4?  Or would this be unnecessary?  I am thinking for alignment that buffers should be divisible by 4 right?

I have variable length strings that I get the lengths of and add em together and create a buffer with HeapAlloc, lets say at one time the length might be 49, is there an equation or some math I could use to figure out it should be made 52? if it is say 56, then we are good to go... etc...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


        mov     edx,StringLength
        add     edx,4                  ;add 1 for terminator and 3 for mod function
        and     edx,-4                 ;=0FFFFFFFCh
;edx = buffer length

i prefer not to use EAX for these because you get shorter code with any other register
EAX does not have the shortened forms for signed byte add, sub, etc

of course, you can do it with an EQU if the length is known in advance


Nice, just what I was looking for... Thanks!

The lengths aren't known before hand...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


if you don't count the terminator...

X = (N + M - 1) and (- M)

X = result size
N = minimum size
M = alignment size


The memory returned by HeapAlloc() and GlobalAlloc() is allways 8 byte aligned.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Quote from: dedndave on April 27, 2011, 12:42:24 AM
i prefer not to use EAX for these because you get shorter code with any other register
EAX does not have the shortened forms for signed byte add, sub, etc

AFAIK, ML produces short opcode form for the short immediates, i.e., for ADD EAX,4 this would be db 83h,0C0h,04h, and 83h, 0E0h, 0FCh for the AND EAX,-4


as usual, you're right, Alex   :P
another bad habit i have to break from the 8086 days



   It works the same for the 8086.  Abstracted from a TASM

83 /0 ib   ADD r/m16,imm8    Add a sign-extended immediate
                             byte to r/m word


Steve N.


huh ?
what the hell am i thinking - lol
i was pretty sure that
        ADD     AX,8
was 3 bytes long
and that
        ADD     DX,8
was 2
now you guys are just picking on me because i am getting old - lol


        mov     edx,StringLength
        and      edx,03h
        jz   align_4
       not dl
       inc dl
       and dl,03h
        add       edx,StringLenght
;edx = buffer length



   Minor question.  Or brainfart?

       not dl
       inc dl

; Is that not the same result as...

        NEG     DL      ; except for carry flag?




Me I am so used to the memalign opcode :bg
include \masm32\include\

Dummy db 123
txDave db "Hi, Dave!", 0
AppName db "Masm32:", 0

start: mov esi, offset txDave
memalign esi, 4
MsgBox 0, esi, addr AppName, MB_OK

end start


        mov     edx,StringLength
        and      edx,03h
        jz   align_4
       not dl
       inc dl
       and dl,03h
        add       edx,StringLenght
;edx = buffer length

       not dl
       inc dl

; Is that not the same result as...

        NEG     DL      ; except for carry flag?

even so - that is a lot of code - ouch !
i like...
       add     edx,3
       and     edx,-4

a lot better


memalign macro from masm32   :bg
      memalign MACRO reg, number
        add reg, number - 1
        and reg, -number

at least i got one thing right, today
i feel like my mind is slipping farther and farther every day around you guys

well, i used to be pretty sharp   :lol
i was also good lookin, but i don't remember what that was like, either


Yes, neg works, maybe I need sleep a bit hehehe.

align2 proc len:dword,multiple_of_2:dword
;to do: need check if multiple of 2 is so high to fit in this dword
push ecx
mov     edx,len
mov ecx,multiple_of_2
dec ecx
and      edx,ecx
neg edx
and edx,ecx
add edx,len
pop ecx
align2 endp