Edit Control/Tooltip problems with Manifest File

Started by dedndave, April 24, 2011, 03:30:44 AM

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A fixed value is fine if you want it hard coded, I tend to make them so they can be user adjusted. Its not hard to make it more efficient but with loading 2 word values into an API, you are not going to see the difference.
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ohhhhhhh   :bg
i see, the values 4 and 14 come from variables, then
        push    LowWordPart
        mov word ptr [esp+2],HighWordPart
        pop     eax




thanks, baltoro
i may actually use that last one   :P


Quote from: baltoro on April 25, 2011, 04:40:30 PM
How Do I Suppress the CapsLock Warning on Password Edit Controls?

I like the comments :bg

[There are segments of society that live with their Caps Lock key permanently on. I used to get email from some of them.]

Yeah, they're called "parents."


Raymond Chen is like the ANTI-EDGAR. :eek

...If you enter 'common controls' into the search box at his website, you will find alot of blog posts about the version difficulties associated with Windows Common Controls.

Quote from: JJ...There are segments of society that live with their Caps Lock key permanently on,...
:eek ...Yeah,...I do that ALL THE TIME,...just to be annoying. :eek
...Actually, I think my computer automatically activates the CAPS LOCK whenever it notices that I am responding to either 'hutch', or 'oex'. I haven't figured out how to psychically disable it yet,... :eek

More from Raymond Chen: 
Why Not Just Require Each Application To Declare What Version of Windows It Is Compatible With?
Visual C++ 2005 Will Generate Manifests For You

And,...Here is a reference from MSDN concerning Mainfest Files:   
Manifest Files Reference

...And, as an added BONUS,...here's a Raymond Chen blog that warns me not to do what I would have done if I was Dave:   
The Dangers of Playing Focus Games When Handling a WM_KILLFOCUS Message


back in the days of DOS and 14" monitors, i used to do it, myself - lol
now, i find it annoying
some people find it annoying that i don't capitalize and punctuate sentances, too   :P