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Small favour to test unicode editor.

Started by hutch--, April 12, 2011, 03:07:03 AM

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I need a favour from some of our members who use non-english character sets to test this unicode editor skeleton. I have it tested with Chinese and Japanese characters, both in the file open and save and the text saved in those character sets. I have made a set of test pieces in as many languages as I can translate through Google language tools and it appears to be opening, editing and saving everything I can so far point at it including command lines.

The file dialogs do strange things with both Arabic and Hebrew as they require a Windows version that supports right to left text entry but apart from that I cannot find anything else that is unusual.

I need this tool for editing resource scripts where the only way to include characters that cannot be entered from an English keyboard in ANSI text is in unicode.
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Worked here, brazilian portuguese (pt_br)
I have copy/paste/save/open some japanese and hebrew and worked.
Changed regional config to russian and write with virtual keyboard and worked.


Croatien alphabet worked here also,
write/save/open no problem...



Works fine, but saved Unicode text files miss the BOM and are thus not identified by e.g. MS Word, WordPad and several text editors. Good ol' Notepad has no problems, though.





Guys, thanks very much, your testing is really useful with a tool like this one. I have a fair bit more of it done, the block indenting and zoom text seem to be working properly, I have done the search and replace dialogs but I have not written the search and replace code yet. When I get enough of it working properly I will add a config file so it saves its settings but I don't want to do that yet. When I get some more of it written I will post the next version.

Just as a funny aside, I don't have a general purpose unicode editor so I have been using this one to edit its own RC file, funny to have to start up the app to edit parts of itself.  :P
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sounds like the guy that writes the first assembler for a new processor
makes you feel like a real pioneer   :P