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debugging under windows 7

Started by BOBR, April 01, 2011, 10:57:33 PM

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I have Visual studio c++ 6.0 and MASM32 6.14.8444. Under Windows XP I can force and error MOV EDX,0, MOV [EDX],EDX.  This will bring me into the debugger contained in the Visual studio,  I can then enable the disassembler, register display and memory display (you only have to do this once, as its remembered), then I display that portion of memory containing the bad code (this was displayed in the dissembler window), and change the bad code to two NOP's.  Then I can trace/set break points/change memory etc).  When I try this under Windows 7 I get a message that there was a problem, but whatever I do it will not let me debug, it simply goes away.  I would appreciate and suggestions


i am not familiar with win 7 programming - lol
but i think you can use INT 3 to do the same thing


Olly claims to be compatible with Win7. Try inserting an INT 3 as Dave suggested, then launch the app as Olly.exe My.exe


You will probably find that the VC6 debugger will not run on a 64 bit system, debuggers tend to be OS and hardware dependent. If you need to develop on Win7 64 bit it may be time to get the later free version of VC from Microsoft, another massive download but it has most of the toys you need.
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Just saw the thread. Olly does not work with 64 bit applications yet but will run on Win7 X64 to debug 32 bit apps. If you need a debugger that will work with 64 bit apps you need WinDbg from Microsoft which is available for free with Debugging Tools for Windows 64-bit Version. Another tool that works with X64 projects is SmidgeonSoft's PEBrowsePro, which will disassemble 64 bit applications, both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions will work with X64 programs, the 64 bit version does not work with 32 bit ones.
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