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SetMenu problem

Started by dedndave, February 06, 2011, 03:14:24 AM

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it works great with the hide/show loop combined   :bg
if a window is to be hidden, it's position isn't updated, anyways

        ALIGN   16


wmSize  PROC    dwWidth:DWORD,dwHeight:DWORD

;Each control window has a bit in WinStates that indicates the current show/hide state for that window.
;The "old" WinStates flags reside in the WinStates dword.
;The "new" WinStates flags reside at [EBP-4], and replaces the "old" WinStates flags when done.
;For each control window, the new state/position is calculated.
;If a control window needs to be repositioned, ESI is incremented and 7 parameters are pushed onto the stack.
;These represent the last 7 of the 8 parameters for DeferWindowPos, or the 7 parameters for SetWindowPos.
;For DeferWindowPos, the remaining parameter is pushed inside the defer loop.
;Also, the new position and size values for that control window are updated for later comparison.
;Once the stack is set up and the newWinStates dword is created:
; 1) defer window positions as required (ESI indicates count) or set window position for a single window
; 2) hide any control windows that are showing and need to be hidden
;    show any control windows that are hidden and need to be showing
; 3) update WinStates dword


;stack frame TEXTEQUates

sHeight       TEXTEQU <[EBP+24]> ;client area height
sWidth        TEXTEQU <[EBP+20]> ;client area width
;                     <[EBP+16]> ;RETurn address
;                     <[EBP+12]> ;saved EBX contents
;                     <[EBP+8]>  ;saved ESI contents
;                     <[EBP+4]>  ;saved EDI contents
;                     <[EBP]>    ;saved EBP contents
newWinStates  TEXTEQU <[EBP-4]>  ;new WinStates dword


;IDC_STATUSBAR         EQU 1001h ;4097
;IDC_HSCROLLBAR        EQU 1002h ;4098
;IDC_VSCROLLBAR        EQU 1004h ;4100
;IDC_SIZEBOXN          EQU 1008h ;4104
;IDC_SIZEGRIP          EQU 1010h ;4112
;ControlHandles   LABEL dword
;hStatus          dd ?
;hHScroll         dd ?
;hVScroll         dd ?
;hSizeBoxNG       dd ?
;hSizeBoxG        dd ?


        push    ebx
        push    esi
        push    edi
        push    ebp
        xor     ebx,ebx                           ;EBX = newWinStates
        mov     ebp,esp
        mov     esi,ebx                           ;ESI = control update count
        mov     edi,ebx                           ;EDI = 0
        push    ebx                               ;[EBP-4] = newWinStates


;status bar

        cmp     edi,StbState
        mov     edx,sHeight
        mov     ecx,sWidth
        jz      sScrl0

        sub     edx,StbHeight
        inc     ebx                               ;set IDC_STATUSBAR bit
        cmp     ecx,StbWidth
        jnz     sStBar

        cmp     edx,StbPosY
        jz      sScrl0

sStBar: push    SP_FLAGSET                        ;uFlags
        inc     esi
        push    StbHeight                         ;cy (height)
        push    ecx                               ;cx (width)
        mov     StbWidth,ecx
        push    edx                               ;y (y pos)
        push    edi                               ;x (x pos)
        mov     StbPosY,edx
        push    edi                               ;hWndInsertAfter
        push    hStatus                           ;hWnd


;scroll bar test-retest

sScrl0: cmp     ecx,hsi.nMax
        ja      sScrl1

        sub     edx,HSbHeight
        or      ebx,IDC_HSCROLLBAR and 1Fh

sScrl1: cmp     edx,vsi.nMax
        ja      sHScr0

        sub     ecx,VSbWidth
        test    ebx,IDC_HSCROLLBAR
        jnz     sScrl2

        cmp     ecx,hsi.nMax
        ja      sScrl2

        or      ebx,IDC_HSCROLLBAR and 1Fh
        sub     edx,HSbHeight

sScrl2: or      ebx,IDC_VSCROLLBAR and 1Fh


;horizontal scroll bar

sHScr0: test    ebx,IDC_HSCROLLBAR
        jz      sVScr0

        cmp     ecx,hsi.nPage
        jz      sHScr1

        mov     hsi.nPage,ecx
        push    ecx
        push    edx
        INVOKE  SetScrollInfo,hHScroll,SB_CTL,offset hsi,FALSE
        pop     edx
        pop     ecx
        jmp short sHScr2

sHScr1: cmp     edx,HSbPosY
        jz      sVScr0

sHScr2: push    SP_FLAGSET                        ;uFlags
        inc     esi
        push    HSbHeight                         ;cy (height)
        push    ecx                               ;cx (width)
        push    edx                               ;y (y pos)
        push    edi                               ;x (x pos)
        mov     HSbPosY,edx
        push    edi                               ;hWndInsertAfter
        push    hHScroll                          ;hWnd


;vertical scroll bar

sVScr0: test    ebx,IDC_VSCROLLBAR
        jz      sSzBx0

        cmp     edx,vsi.nPage
        jz      sVScr1

        mov     vsi.nPage,edx
        push    ecx
        push    edx
        INVOKE  SetScrollInfo,hVScroll,SB_CTL,offset vsi,FALSE
        pop     edx
        pop     ecx
        jmp short sVScr2

sVScr1: cmp     ecx,VSbPosX
        jz      sSzBx0

sVScr2: push    SP_FLAGSET                        ;uFlags
        inc     esi
        push    edx                               ;cy (height)
        push    VSbWidth                          ;cx (width)
        push    edi                               ;y (y pos)
        push    ecx                               ;x (x pos)
        mov     VSbPosX,ecx
        push    edi                               ;hWndInsertAfter
        push    hVScroll                          ;hWnd


;size boxes

sSzBx0: push    ebx
        mov     eax,(IDC_HSCROLLBAR or IDC_VSCROLLBAR) and 1Fh
        and     ebx,eax
        cmp     eax,ebx
        pop     ebx
        jnz     SetPos

        test    bl,1
        jz      sSzBx1

        or      ebx,IDC_SIZEBOXN and 1Fh
        cmp     ecx,BngPosX
        mov     eax,hSizeBoxNG
        jnz     sSzBx2

        cmp     edx,BngPosY
        jz      SetPos

        mov     BngPosX,ecx
        mov     BngPosY,edx
        jmp short sSzBx2

sSzBx1: or      ebx,IDC_SIZEGRIP and 1Fh
        cmp     ecx,BsgPosX
        mov     eax,hSizeBoxG
        jnz     sSzBx2

        cmp     edx,BsgPosY
        jz      SetPos

        mov     BsgPosX,ecx
        mov     BsgPosY,edx

sSzBx2: push    SP_FLAGSET                        ;uFlags
        push    HSbHeight                         ;cy (height)
        inc     esi
        push    VSbWidth                          ;cx (width)
        push    edx                               ;y (y pos)
        push    ecx                               ;x (x pos)
        push    edi                               ;hWndInsertAfter
        push    eax                               ;hWnd


;set window position(s)

;ESI = window update count
;stack: 7 parms per ESI count

SetPos: dec     esi
        mov     newWinStates,ebx
        jz      sSetWP

        inc     esi
        jz      State0

        INVOKE  BeginDeferWindowPos,esi

sDefer: push    eax
        CALL    DeferWindowPos
        dec     esi
        jnz     sDefer

        INVOKE  EndDeferWindowPos,eax
        jmp short State0

sSetWP: CALL    SetWindowPos


;not hide = newWinStates OR NOT(old_WinStates)
;    show = newWinStates AND NOT(old_WinStates)

State0: mov     eax,WinStates
        mov     edi,offset ControlHandles
        mov     ebp,newWinStates
        not     eax
        mov     ebx,ebp
        mov     esi,5
        and     ebp,eax              ;EBP = show
        or      ebx,eax              ;EBX = not hide

State1: xor     eax,eax
        shr     ebp,1
        rcl     eax,1
        shl     eax,1
        shr     ebx,1
        rcl     eax,1
        cmp     al,1
        jz      State2

        INVOKE  ShowWindow,[edi],eax

State2: dec     esi
        lea     edi,[edi+4]
        jnz     State1


        pop     WinStates
        pop     ebp
        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        pop     ebx
        ret     8

wmSize  ENDP

        OPTION  PROLOGUE:PrologueDef
        OPTION  EPILOGUE:EpilogueDef



i haven't added the scroll code, yet, but here is an example so you can see the scroll bars hide/show
also, you can see the size box is selected according to whether or not the status bar is enabled (with or without grippies)

posted an updated version below


Quote from: dedndave on February 08, 2011, 01:41:05 AM
i haven't added the scroll code, yet, but here is an example so you can see the scroll bars hide/show
also, you can see the size box is selected according to whether or not the status bar is enabled (with or without grippies)

I don't understand what you want to tell. Where do we "see" scroll bars or a "size box"? Do you suggest that your code is "readable"? Perhaps an example for noobies to learn from?

No. It looks like what it is: the early adventures of someone learning the Windows GUI API.


Quote from: japheth on February 08, 2011, 06:34:19 AMNo. It looks like what it is: the early adventures of someone learning the Windows GUI API.

I thought with old age people would get wiser and more patient ::)


Quote from: jj2007 on February 08, 2011, 06:53:10 AM
I thought with old age people would get wiser and more patient ::)

Perhaps a misconception. Or, it's true, but you just don't know how bad the status was in my younger years.

Back to my remark about Dave's code: it's seen from my perspective ( of course ), and I absolutely don't mind if your opinion differs. IMO it's a style of coding which is very much responsible for assembly language's bad reputation: difficult to read for others, hard to maintain and a card house.


if you can offer some constructive critisism, i'd be happy to hear it
or - perhaps you have some code to post that is somehow better

otherwise, keep your mouth shut and your eyes open
you're wasting your time passing out insults instead of instruction, as i tend to ignore them
who knows - "andreas the great" may actually learn something


Calm down boys.

I think both Japheth's and Dave's points are valid. When I write any code as an example or something that others might learn from I tend to lean more towards easily readable, however my "inhouse" code tends to be more like Dave's. In the end it is a personal choice, you do whatever you're most comfortable with and damn everyone else. As for assembly language's reputation, it's really not an issue, I write mainly in C and assembler because that is what I write in, whether anyone else chooses to do so is up to them.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Quote from: dedndave on February 08, 2011, 08:16:15 AM
if you can offer some constructive critisism, i'd be happy to hear it
or - perhaps you have some code to post that is somehow better

otherwise, keep your mouth shut and your eyes open
you're wasting your time passing out insults instead of instruction, as i tend to ignore them
who knows - "andreas the great" may actually learn something

Dave, I see you take my remark personally. That's a pity.

However, I disagree that my remark was an insult.  It was perfectly valid critisism - while your response - and also JJ's - are troll posts and off-topic.


instructions, for those that do not understand...

it's a WM_SIZE handler
it manages the scroll bar control presence, position, and size when the window is resized
it also manages the size box and status bar

so, to observe the behaviour, open the program and size the window
you can see that the scroll bars disappear when the client area is larger than the text
you can turn the status bar off and on to see how it affects size box selection

as for the coding style...

one of the reasons i write in assembler is to get away from the constructs of C
if i wanted my code to look and act like a C program, i'd probably write it in C
i don't write something a certain way just because some instructor says it's the "right way"
i try to write code that works well and is small, hopefully fast
i test it so that i know it's reliable


here is a little bit of an update
i got rid of the scroll bar "flashing" when a dark background color is selected
also - Alex found a bug in my resource file   :U

now, i can work on the scrolling text code
all downhill from here, i think


Quote from: dedndave on February 08, 2011, 10:34:45 PM
all downhill from here, i think

Favourite joke of all assembler programmers, I guess :green2