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Extended ASCII Codes

Started by remus2k, January 05, 2011, 09:58:39 PM

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I need for my Project a Spezial Char "219" in hex

Now have i change it Decimal to Hex 219 ==0DBh
And it draw it wrong i have it as "Ü"

I use it for DrawText


Quote from: remus2k
I need for my Project a Spezial Char "219" in hex

It's 219 DECIMAL. Perhaps you need a different FONT.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


"Terminal" is one of the fonts that uses that character mapping (like DOS console)
it is one of the fonts that uses the OEM_CHARSET

        INVOKE  GetStockObject,OEM_FIXED_FONT
        INVOKE  GetObject,eax,sizeof LogFnt,offset LogFnt     ;LogFnt is a LOGFONT structure
        mov     LogFnt.lfHeight,TEXTCELLHEIGHT                ;standard = 12
        mov     LogFnt.lfWidth,TEXTCELLWIDTH                  ;standard = 8
        INVOKE  CreateFontIndirect,offset LogFnt
        mov     hFont,eax


Ahh ok this is a nice info with this font Terminal

dedndave have for all probelms a solution :bg

Ok this question pass not to this thread sorry

This Opcode "and"
Performs a logical AND of the two operands replacing the destination
with the result.

can i use "mov" have i the sam effect?


and hBuff,0


that will 0 the value hBuff
it may be small code, but it will not be fast
the CPU has to read the value at hBuff, AND it with 0, then store it - 2 memory accesses

Jochen showed me a similar trick to set all bits to 1
        or      eax,-1
3 bytes i think - instead of
        mov     eax,0FFFFFFFFh
5 bytes

as for setting the font, i think Alex showed me that one   :bg


Thats is have i know

that will 0 the value hBuff

I fill every my buffer with 0 with this
xor eax,eax
mov hBuff,eax

Or if this wrong?

What you here say I have not understood waht you mean sorry
that will 0 the value hBuff
it may be small code, but it will not be fast
the CPU has to read the value at hBuff, AND it with 0, then store it - 2 memory accesses

Jochen showed me a similar trick to set all bits to 1


que 0, o valor hBuff
pode ser um código pequeno, mas não será fácil
o processador tem de ler o valor em hBuff E com 0, então armazená-lo - 2 acessos à memória

Jochen mostrou-me um truque semelhante para definir todos os bits a 1
        or      eax,-1
3 bytes Eu acho - em vez de
        mov     eax,0FFFFFFFFh
5 bytes

se você quiser zerar uma reserva grande, use REP STOSD




The old computer from 1980er have by writing a text a courser if this from
in the ascii table 219 and 220?

I have google for a movie for this old pc and i cannot find

Have you an idea?


Eu não entendo o seu Inglês
use o link acima para traduzir Português para Inglês para que possamos entender melhor

aqui está ele novamente


And for those of you who dont speak Portuguese....


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