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uFMOD DirectX DirectSound player

Started by ragdog, February 03, 2008, 12:18:38 PM

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here is my uFMOD DirectX DirectSound player from resource

with vu-meter :U

all source is included

So have fun and posting errors and feedbacks!


if one not on play presses but only on Next press  works the timer not

[attachment deleted by admin]


For me it crashes in user32.dll. Win2k SP5,  Audigy.
I've put some debugging on DlgProc start and end, and when level() is called. Level() continues to be called after the crash (as expected), and seems to start right after the crash.

Here's the simple debugging info:

DlgProc start: uMsg = 48
DlgProc end false:uMsg = 48

DlgProc start: uMsg = 272 ; WM_INITDIALOG
   DlgProc start: uMsg = 273 ; WM_COMMAND
   DlgProc end true:uMsg = 273
   DlgProc start: uMsg = 273
   DlgProc end true:uMsg = 273
   DlgProc start: uMsg = 273
   DlgProc end true:uMsg = 273
   DlgProc start: uMsg = 273
   DlgProc end true:uMsg = 273
DlgProc end true:uMsg = 272 ; WM_INITDIALOG
Level() start
Level() start
Level() start
Level() start
Level() start
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.

Mark Jones

AMD dual-core x64 4000+, WinXP x32 SP2.

The first time I opened it, did not play track #1 when clicking "play" button, but automatically started playing track #2 when the ">" button was pressed. Did play track #1 if the "<" button is then pressed, and pause and stop seemed to work as expected from that point onward.

Closed and re-opened app, all buttons worked as expected. Strange. I'll try to reproduce the problem again.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08



i have this coded and tested on xp-sp2!
i become no reports msg,So I had a look at this project never coding more



great project! works pretty on winxp! thanks!
Uf, never been so hard to understand