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Emet by Microsoft

Started by shankle, December 24, 2010, 02:24:36 PM

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Has anyone heard of this and is it worth the trouble to install? I feel that I have plenty of protection
already working on my puter.
Sites to find more info are:
Wilders web site:  in the "other software & services" look for emet- a new windows security mitigation toolkit.

Would be interested in your opinions.
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it looks interesting, Jack
but - i have never had a real issue with 3rd party software being comprimised
on the occasions where i have gotten a virus, it has usually been because a webpage had been hacked
the hacker modifies an otherwise safe webpage - quite often by adding iframe tags at the end of the html

the mitigation tool you mention is designed to prevent, for example, an exploit on a PDF file or something of that nature
the one case that i do recall like this was a video file
it took advantage of the fact that media player will access the internet to download a codec
the codec carried the payload - not the video file - and the video probably would have ran with codecs that already existed on the system

there are a number of viruses that appear in e-mails
i have never had an issue from these, as i do not open mails from people i do not know
in fact, i don't open all the e-mails from people that i DO know - lol
if the subject says it was forwarded - well, i just don't have time to read jokes and all the other chain-mail crap
i think i have something like 3,000 unopened e-mails in my yahoo inbox

this tool may be helpful in an e-mail client - not sure
but - most mail service providers scan mail, nowdays
certainly, programs like mcafee and norton do - although, they slow your computer to a snails pace to get it done

this tool may be most applicable in an environment like a large business, where hundreds of computers share a network
people send work files, as well as jokes and funny pictures, back and forth, from desk to desk
one infected file can muck up the whole company - lol
the IT department has their hands full keeping computers up to date, installing new applications, etc
as well as - - - the management is usually wanting them to spy on employess to see who is surfing for porn, etc - lol
this tool might make life a little easier for the IT people


Thanks for the reply Dave.
I think I will leave well enough along for the time being or until I find out a whole lot more about the software.
The precautions I have already taken seem to do the trick for me.
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