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CG.EXE Beta 5

Started by hutch--, May 24, 2010, 01:37:32 PM

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This later version appears to be a lot more reliable in the code it generates. It now has an extra option to create a bare Rich Edit control in the client area complete with file IO and Edit menu functionality. It will creae an executable with 3 different client types, the default window client area, a seperate client window or a rich edit control.

As with the earlier beta versions, it creates both a manifest file and a version control block so that both the OS and AV scanners can recognise it. The status bar is optional and the toolbar is available in 4 sizes, 24, 32, 48 and 64 pixel button sizes. The toolbar strips provided are numbers in 16 colour and they are 16 bitmaps long. They are effectively place holders for bitmap artwork that would normally be built by the programmer for each application. Note that RGB/a bitmaps in larger sizes (64 x 64 pixel) start to become very large, often over 200k.

Any feedback or problems would be appreciated.
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other than the absence of a "Help" button, it looks great, Hutch   :P



Help file will come later, I think it is necessary to explain the code design and offer more options for code that can be used with this style of output.
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i am sure it will make more sense after i use it a bit
i am a n00b   :bg
i will play with it some more......


Should have explained how the toolbar choice works, press any key to make a button, press space to get the space marker between them. The toolbar representation is just an edit control using a wingding font to look something like buttons, the spacer marker makes them easier to read.
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hiyas Hutch,
i am playing with this neat little toy on christmas day   :bg
i don't get a lot of time to play, but everyone else around here is busy with their own stuff - lol
i thought of a suggestion - something that would come in handy

that is - client area scrollbars


I have an error on the resource,I have downloaded the masm32 package,there is two months
Writing DIALOG:5000,    lang:0x409,     size 232.rsrc.rc (51): error RC2104 : un
defined keyword or key name: VOS__WINDOWS32


hi Yves - Merry Christmas
the cg package comes with an updated resource.h file
you must replace the old one in \masm32\include with the new one


Merry Christmas to
Thanks,I had forgotten to change it


bug report !!!   :P
if i remove all the stuff from the toolbar selection area, it tries to generate what appears to be an infinite number of buttons   :bg

this thing is a great learning tool, Hutch   :U
i know that may not be what you intended
but, i can select or deselect certain items, then see what changed in the source code
kind of picks up where Iczelion's tutes left off

.....i also learned not to deselect all the items from the toolbar selection area   :lol


good stuff =] handfull and simple
Uf, never been so hard to understand


Thanks Dave, seems to make an awful lot of buttons when none are set in the text box at the top. next time I get a look at the code for it I will put a catcher so it won't happen.

LATER: It was a lot easier to fix than I remembered. Just trap the button count and reject a count of 0.

BETA 6 for your pleasure.
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