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Help protecting my app

Started by lelejau, December 27, 2010, 05:24:05 PM

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by process id and/or window name =]
Uf, never been so hard to understand


retrieve exe signature from its PID or Window Name? How?  :eek
Learning assembly :)



Obviousely you do not have the skills needed to achieve something like this yet. You still have a lot to learn about creating applications and code in ASM and more important about basic computer concepts.

Besides this please understand that those forums DO NOT allow discussions about hooking or protecting or reading writing memory of applications that you have not written or other "gray area" issues under the disguise of protection or anti virus techniques .

I am aware that this kind of information can be used to perform legitimate tasks and that Microsoft does offer API's for this ...
BUT unfortunately the exact same information can be used to hack / crack legitimate applications or try to hide or protect viral code from debugging, analysis and detection.

If you want to go this way... then  I do suggest that you learn ASM very well (not only some superficial skills) and the learn how to protect your application by yourself by self study.

Then there are a lot of other forums that allow such content on the net. We simply want to avoid this kind of "crap" in here.

From my own 15 years  experience this is wasted time because it will annoy and reduce your legitimate paying clients and it will not stop experienced hackers not even for 5 minutes.

IMHO The only ways to "protect" you application today are:
1) First to really write a great and useful application... and to get a lot of paying clients.
And honestly this is the very hard and very unlikely part in today's world economics
2) to update if often and serve only your paying clients desires and ignore hackers.

This Thread is locked and I kindly ask you not to continue asking this kind of questions here.

Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.