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Optimizing string procedures

Started by brethren, November 29, 2010, 03:30:39 PM

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i don't agree with Red's statement - comparing them is how we learn what optimal is

at any rate - what we really need is a way to create a thread in here without any "advice" from lingo
he used to provide some value to the assembler community
now, he just repeats "i am the only person on the planet that knows how to write code",
in spite of the fact that his code often fails to work properly and/or is buggish
it's not as though we can simply go to a different forum - he seems intent on polluting all of them


"what we really need is"
You are not the Queen to say "WE"!

"he just repeats "i am the only person on the planet that knows how to write code"

May be you are the only person on the MASM forum that doesn't knows how to write asm code...

-   I'm here from the start of the forum (March 19, 2005) and I have just 575 posts. More of them are assembly code only!
-   You are here from January 24, 2009 without asm code in your 7840!!! posts...just blab, bla, bla, blah...ONLY!
               I understand that it is not so easy for you to live alone... but  so much garbage (7840 posts) and no shame...

"in spite of the fact that his code often fails to work properly and/or is buggish"

have you just one example?


Take it outside boys, flame wars are for the Colosseum.

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


well - we were having a good time, until post #21 of this thread
then - the forum dies